Monday 7 November 2011

Can I have your number?

Alejandra Séculi from Paula’s account

This video is showing us how the way our feelings are expressed has changed so much.

A long time ago boys used to tell girls how much they loved them by a letter or a poem or being sweet with them while expressing their feelings, but now things seem to have changed:

-Why are boys so direct?

-How would you feel if you were the girl in this situation?

-Do you think this is harassing her?

Alejandra Séculi


  1. Personally, if I were in that situation I would not know what to do.

    If I were the girl in the video I would feel so stressed , mad and kind of offended if someone talks to me like he does to the girl, I would not like to have a stranger talking to me in the way the man talks to the women in the video.

    I don’t understand why boys changed that much nowadays; the way of making a pass to girls when they like them is just so annoying.

    They used to write poems or sweet and nice letters to girls when they wanted to ask for a date.

    Everything has changed now, the tone they use when talking and the rude vocabulary is making guys have less possibilities than those who talk in a sweeter way to girls.

    Alejandra Séculi Tendero

  2. Boys are so direct because they (we) don't mind being told those kind of things such as "your hair is ugly today", "Dude! That shirt is ugly!" or similar things so we interpret that girls won't mind being told so either. What we don't realise is that girls take EVERYTHING way to seriously or rather they over-think stuff too much.
    Well, bearing in mind that this video is to make people laugh, if it were a real situation the girl is TOTALLY being harassed by the dude, plus his face looks like he's a total psycho and the girl should probably run away.

    Luis Gasca


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