Tuesday 20 March 2012

Is this some kind of joke?

As many of you might have heard, Jaume Matas ex-regional chief of Balearics has been found guilty of corruption.

However, this is not the only case of corruption within the last 2 years. There have been others, such as Millet, Camps or Núñez. Surprisingly, though, Matas is the only one to have gone to jail.

Is justice equal for everyone, as many politicians try to tell us? Can you really establish the amount of money stolen and if so, is it ever really given back? Is Matas a mere scapegoat, and if so, will all the other public figures involved be found guilty (such as Urdangarín)? Is our society some kind of joke?

So, what do you think?

Monday 12 March 2012

92-year-old Banned from Marrying 17-year-old Bride

Love has no boundries... or so they say. It seems the Egyptian Ministry of Justice has established the limit according to the legal age gap between man and woman in marrriage, in order to protect youngsters. But shouldn't free will be taken into account? Well, in this case it's the parents who accepted, so, ultimately, it would appear the decision doesn't lie on her shoulders. The strong offer of riches and luxury does seem tempting, and who knows what difficult situation she could be in, but is it an excuse? Can we even judge? Should anyone judge?


-Pablo Albanell

Kony 2012

So, you have all proabally heared about or seen the video Kony 2012.

For those of you who haven't, this video was made viral at the beggining of March, and rapidly became one of the most viewed videos of youtube, with more than 73 million viewers worldwide.

Joseph Kony is one of the world's largest criminals. Head of the LRA (a millitant group in Uganda that bases it's actions on the ten commandments) for 26 years, he has been arresting children in Uganda and forcing them to become sex slaves, kill their own parents and many other horrific things. What seemed to be the unknown Kony, has now become one of the most notorious men on earth, thanks to this video.

Many people have either awknowledged the video, or rejected it. Despite a generally positive approach to the it and the cause (arresting Kony), many people agree that this has just made him more famous. Others believe that this whole organization is just trying to make money. Others complain about the fact that Invisible Children (the founder of the mission) only dedicates 30% of their income to ugandanian children.

What do you think about this video and what impact has it made on you? Can Joseph Kony really be caught in 2012? Does the video contain different messages? Is this just a set up to promote Invisible Children? Do you really think a difference can be made?

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Term 3 - take care!

For term 3, can you please ensure
that your spelling and grammar are
as good as possible - the blog has
been so successful that it is likely to
feature in Family Day this year. 

Term 2 'closed'

Well done on some excellent posts.
All posts after 3 March count towards
Term 3.

Saturday 3 March 2012

How will global warming affect my world?

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is our habitat:

And we are destroying it! We’re not concerned about the damage we are causing, and it isn’t because we aren’t informed, it is because the diffusion of responsibility. Everybody thinks it doesn’t matter if they do it, because someone else will do it, but they need to understand that everyone counts!. We have to take action, global warming is no longer a rumour, it is pure fact.

So are you concerned about the changes our world is suffering? What do you do to contribute for the reduction of wasting energy so less Green house gases are emitted to the atmosphere? (for example put a sweater instead of having the heater at full level). Do you think that the goverments of the great countries are doing enough in the reunions they have? (Kyoto)

This is the consequences it is having on the climate:


Comment below for your opinión!

Shangai, Before and after!!

It’s only take Shanghai 22 years to radically change it’s landscape to a one that benefits them more economically and that catches the eye of tourists and multinational companies. There is a very important relation between the expansion of Shangai and their usage of fossil fuels, and also in the increase in the population. Thanks to globalisation, Shanghai has become one of the most polluting cities in the world!

If it took twenty years for Shangai to develop till this point and to change so drastically in that amount of time how do you think that Shangai will look in 20 years from now? Do you think Shangai going to continue to develop? Are the Europeans staying behind? Do you think this is due to globalitzation?