Tuesday 20 March 2012

Is this some kind of joke?

As many of you might have heard, Jaume Matas ex-regional chief of Balearics has been found guilty of corruption.

However, this is not the only case of corruption within the last 2 years. There have been others, such as Millet, Camps or Núñez. Surprisingly, though, Matas is the only one to have gone to jail.

Is justice equal for everyone, as many politicians try to tell us? Can you really establish the amount of money stolen and if so, is it ever really given back? Is Matas a mere scapegoat, and if so, will all the other public figures involved be found guilty (such as Urdangarín)? Is our society some kind of joke?

So, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. In the present days politics are the ones who tell us that everyone has equal rights. Although, reality demonstrates us that this isn’t true as they are the ones who are treated in a much better way, as whatever they do, they end up with benefits. For example, if they steal money, the have a much lower percentage in going to jail than normal citizens do.
    In my opinion this is not fair but we have to put up with it because life is unfair and nothing can change that though we would like it to. Not only they do not go to jail or if they do, they just go for a small period of time, but they are not fined to pay back all the money they’ve stolen! I consider that in Spain this is simply case of no respect and authority because if there were, they wouldn’t steal. Plus, where has the honour gone if the proper corrupt politics don’t resign?
    In conclusion, one can see that justice isn’t equal to everyone because the limit between the politics and the justice isn’t separated.


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Thanks a lot.