It’s only take Shanghai 22 years to radically change it’s landscape to a one that benefits them more economically and that catches the eye of tourists and multinational companies. There is a very important relation between the expansion of Shangai and their usage of fossil fuels, and also in the increase in the population. Thanks to globalisation, Shanghai has become one of the most polluting cities in the world!
If it took twenty years for Shangai to develop till this point and to change so drastically in that amount of time how do you think that Shangai will look in 20 years from now? Do you think Shangai going to continue to develop? Are the Europeans staying behind? Do you think this is due to globalitzation?
Last year during the Easter holidays I went to China and one of the cities I visited was Shanghai. I have to admit despite Santi’s point about pollution I loved it! The moment I landed I was struck by its size and development. It was nothing like what I had expected, it could have perfectly been New York. However as you start walking realty hits you, in New York you wouldn’t find next to a 300 meter-high building a shack crammed with several families.
ReplyDeleteTwenty years from now Shanghai will have grown even more, but maybe not so much as regards to skyscrapers but making reference to its population standard of living. Shanghai would almost be like New York if the difference in social classes weren’t so visible. Moreover, the state of the cars and how people circulate reminded me of many films filmed in Morocco or India, absolute chaos with no regulations or safety.
Europe is staying behind China. In a few years they could become the most powerful country stepping over the United States. However, we also have to consider the fact that they are under a communist regime which limits their freedom and were "for one to success a lot have to suffer". Despite this, they are one of the top producers of the world and they have enough raw materials to become the first ones. Their working rate is nothing compared to ours and we could keep on going about how they outshine us. They are machines and the Europeans can only improve and boost their creativity, everything else is a battle already lost.
Globalisation I think has contributed to the devolvement of the city. Thanks to the income bought by both the tourists and its exports, Shanghai has been able to invest it in better infrastructures and therefore attract international companies. Also it has connections with ports and it has gained recognition and is known worldwide and has an outstanding postion in our map.