And this, ladies and gentlemen, is our habitat:
And we are destroying it! We’re not concerned about the damage we are causing, and it isn’t because we aren’t informed, it is because the diffusion of responsibility. Everybody thinks it doesn’t matter if they do it, because someone else will do it, but they need to understand that everyone counts!. We have to take action, global warming is no longer a rumour, it is pure fact.
So are you concerned about the changes our world is suffering? What do you do to contribute for the reduction of wasting energy so less Green house gases are emitted to the atmosphere? (for example put a sweater instead of having the heater at full level). Do you think that the goverments of the great countries are doing enough in the reunions they have? (Kyoto)
This is the consequences it is having on the climate:
Comment below for your opinión!
I completely agree with Santi on the fact that the problem that we have nowadays is the diffusion of responsibility.
ReplyDeleteThe world we live in is a world where everyone cares about their own life and problems but this should definitely change because we are not realizing that the world is getting destroyed.
We hear it in the news, statistics ensure it, we even have evidence of it because it's happening! And still, we ignore it. The question is, for how long will we be able to maintain this composure?
In my opinion, everyone should really ponder upon our own behavior because we can act and we can make things change if we really try hard. Unfortunately not many people are willing to do so and therefore we have to make them see the importance of taking care of our planet. We don't need to alter our routine for this, we don't need to leave everything behind and start over, it is just about small details, it is about doing a bit more of effort. Not throwing everything in the same bag but instead recycling, not taking the car where we have public transport, buying eco-friendly products whenever we can even if it's a bit more expensive because in the long run it will definitely be worth it.
Forest fires, water running out, deforestation, desertification,etc. Yes, we are concerned about what will happen to our planet, but do we do something for it? No… we just let the time pass by as if that would resolve something, but we have to take direct action against global warming and be environmentally-friendly! We all know it’s not that hard to use compact fluorescent bulbs, use recycled paper, adjust our thermostat, take shorter showers, buy a hybrid car, plant a tree, etc. But this is what should be done by us in order to give our planet a chance! It’s not that we can’t, it’s that we are just too lazy to do something! Why? We find a lot of excuses like: t’s too expensive, no one else does it, why should I? I’ll be dead by then, I don’t care, etc. This is what makes me think that people although they are concerned they don’t realize how important it is to take care of our planet. And I couldn’t be more agree with Paula “We hear it in the news, statistics ensure it, we even have evidence of it because it's happening! And still, we ignore it. The question is, for how long will we be able to maintain this composure?”
ReplyDeleteWe are facing our own extinction if we keep doing things this way. That’s why we need to take part of this change; the future of the next generations is in our hands, because we don’t want our sons or even grandsons to have health problems, more flooding because of the glacier melting or anything like that… But the worst consequence to global warming is the ecosystem going absolutely crazy!
What me and all my family do is reduce garbage, take shorter shower, air dry our clothes, buy organic food such as chocolate and turn off electric devices when we are not using it…But this is not enough, we all should help our home, the Earth.
Lastly, I will leave a webpage that talks about what we can do against it.
Alejandra Séculi