Monday 12 November 2012

Is There Someone Next Door?

I’m not talking about the building 20m from here, but our nearest planet 56'000,000km from here: Mars. For many years, planet Mars has been one of mysteries in space, however, this is the nearest one. Jim Adams, sub director of NASA’s Technology bets there is life on Mars.

Adams says: “We now have six people living on earth, in the space station. Our next step is sending those six people to Mars throughout 25 space missions. However, his main objective isn’t discovering life out of earth, but answering a few questions about the Earth’s formation, Mars and of course, knowing if it contains life.

NASA has sent a satellite called Curiosity to Mars; however, its results have been negative. Why not carrying that satellite with people so that there are much more reliable answers? Jim is keen on the idea that the methane they found in the red planet is the principal evidence that we’re not alone.

After seeing this video and reading what Jim Adam says, do you really think there is life on Mars? What’s more, do you think they are like us?

This video really convinced me about the high probability of the fact that there is life. That is supported by the high tech machines that have been sent there, mentioned in the video, which are now giving us very interesting information.


  1. Although the information is quite convincing I don't support the idea of life on Mars. I think that the video doesn't show anything because it's just a silhouette without any shape that could be anything. Human's imagination has always been extraordinary, when we have an idea on mind we can transform in the darkness a set of clothes into a silhouette and think there's someone in your house. So that's the main reason why for me the video doesn't show anything. Indeed, i'm sure that if you just show the image to a person asking them what do they think it is but avoiding the fact is Mars, they wouldn't see in it something.

    What's more I think that if there was actually life on Mars we should have real proofs. It has been very investigated and the NASA has sent satellites and all the results turn to be negative. With the knowledge and technology we have nowadays if we haven't found anything it's just because there's nothing to find.

    I don't reject the possibility of some kind of like bacterium but what I just can't imagine is that there are human beings just like us. If they really existed they would have transform Mars and make it obvious there are there. But instead Mars is like a dead planet.
    1:12-1:35 We can see how mars looks like and this images make my thoughts stronger about no life on Mars.

    In conclusion, I think that there can't be life on Mars because there's absolutely nothing and I wouldn't imagine how they survive. It looks like the desert.

    Gemma Carreira

  2. In my opinion, the photo which has been taken by the robot rover isn’t too reliable. As Gemma suggested, our imagination is likely to somehow “distort” the image in order to make something ordinary, like a rock, look as if it was extraordinary. Besides, the quality of the picture isn’t too good and so we aren’t able to tell exactly what it is that has been photographed.

    On the other hand, this doesn’t mean that there isn’t life on mars or any other planet. As the video mentioned, there have been robots searching for water. And, if found, this could mean that there is life since, in earth, the first living organisms were originated in water

  3. I agree with Gemma and Marina with the idea of us having imagined some kind of life out there. It is possible that we could have imagined something else when it was really a rock as what happened in 1976 when we thought we had seen a huge face when it was really an optical illusion caused by the sun and shadows. The fact of us finding water implies theories of existing life, but do you really think there is developed life out there? Don’t you think some evidence would have been found? I don’t reject the idea of life if water has been found, but I think this kind of life can only be found in bacteria for the moment in a planet like Mars. Just as I said before, if there was some kind of life, we would have seen more of this kind of ‘Bigfoot’ walking around or some constructions or utensils or whatever, but we’ve only found water which can imply life but in any case ‘Bigfoot’ as a specie as among other things they certainly can’t hide, so if life exists out there, it’s nothing near as life in Earth.


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