Thursday 1 November 2012


Horror invades my soul when listening to what happened last night in a “Halloween Macrofiesta” in Madrid.  Three girls have died squashed in a stampede due to a sparkler.

Enter to both links to read what happened:

  • What do you think you would have done in a situation like this?
  • Do you think the crowds were reacting to their survival instinct?

It is embarassing to see the quantity of tickets that were sold. Estimations say that there were approximately 20,000 people in the concert when the maximum number of people allowed was limited to 10,600. The company which organised the concert admits they sold approximately 9,600 tickets which means only half of the people that were inside the concert had really payed. This leads us to question the security authorities. In addition, some of the witnesses of this tragedy admit that a significant part of the attendants were under the age of 18 and that nobody had asked for their ID’s at the party’s entrance.

  • What do you think about this?
  • Should the party organization be fined for this?

When trying to identify the bodies which resulted injured by the incident the security services found themselves with a big problem; this was the fact that most of the teenagers were carrying identification cards which weren’t theirs.

  • What do you think about carrying another person’s ID? 
  • Had you thought about the possible confusions that can arise because of this?

We see that the stampede was provoked by a flare. Do you think that there should be security controls, like those found in airports or even luxurious hotels, in such crowded events?


  1. The deaths of these three girls, and injuries of the other two, were obviously fault of the creators of this event who were Diviertt SL, who should have been prepared with the necessary security and organization for such a colossal event. It is such a doleful feeling to see how people go to an event to have a good time and because of insecurity, they end up dying. If I would have been part of the capacious multitude, there wouldn’t be many things I could have done. Firstly, by having almost 20, 000 people in an event made for 10, 600 it must have been extremely hard or even impossible to get out. The organizers of the event should have seen the damage that could be caused beforehand, and move out from the event some part of the crowd, or simply not let in under aged people, like the law says. By reading the previous article, testimonies said that the stampede lasted for about half an hour, which sincerely was an enormous surprise to me, because the girls were obviously going to die if that amount of time had gone without having any help from security.
    The organizers of the event were blaming the people who had the sparklers by arguing that they had the entire fault of the multiple deaths, and were trying to find the boys that did it. In my opinion, it was a bad decision by doing this in a private event, but the entire fault is of security because they should have checked at the entrance that they didn’t have items that could cause damage. Diviertt SL should take the blame and accept that there were more people that there should have been and this was the main reason that caused the stampede.
    The idea that teenagers have fake ID´s or carry them from older people is an extremely bad decision. Young people should understand that there is a reason from which they are not allowed to go in, and because of their own security they should assist events for their own age. In this accident one of the girls that died was under aged, which is totally lamentable because she shouldn’t have been there. This is also a terrible event which can prevent more injuries to happen by learning about the created mistakes.
    In conclusion, these events should be taken with seriousness because due to one mistake, thousands of people could die or be injured. It is important that every organizer has the necessary security measures for further events to prevent dreadful occurrences from happening. It would be a sterling idea to have security controls like the ones found in airports or luxurious hotels, so that way there wouldn’t be room for mistakes even if it is more expensive. It is important to have precautions and analyze every situation before taking a decision, and that way prevent a deathful event like this Halloween party.

  2. Taking in account what I've just read I feel firstly very sorry for the family and friends of the 3 girls who suffered this horrible death at such a young age. For something like this to happen probably the place was crowded and people weren’t thinking of what they were standing on or where they were running, probably they only wanted to disappear and where guided, as Marina said, by the instinct of survival.
    As Elena said in her comment the organizers should be responsible enough to think about the consequences of putting money before people would have and for such they should be fined. I don’t find it just that for the simple idea of winning more money or getting more people in the stadium teenage girls die. Furthermore the organizers of the event were even trying to blame those who had the sparklers by arguing that they were the ones who caused this but sincerely the fault is of both parts. My opinion is the same as Elena’s who thinks security should have been more accurate when checking the people who were getting in and possible not looking at what people where carrying with them. Diviertt SL should accept they were wrong and personally for simple respect to the families they should apologize for their errors rather than blaming other teenagers who are usually irresponsible.
    I think that it’s quite common nowadays that teenagers carry ID’s which don’t belong to them, but it’s the responsibility of the party managers to check who enters or not and trying to be sure that the people who are getting in the stadium aren’t minors. I have done this in occasions and until this point I never thought of the possibility of something like this happening to me and I think this has made me think in another kind of way and has made me partially mature and more aware of the dangers involved.
    In conclusion events with more mature people don’t need such control, but in this case and after what has happened clearly we can see that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to do so. Some may think it’s never unnecessary the use of security in crowded events because it’s better to prevent an accident rather than after something happens lamenting. A mistake which could have been avoided is always something that stays in our minds and if it can be prevented it should although it’s expensive. Maybe it can seem to much but if I were in their situation I’d prefer to spend more money and take longer to go inside the party rather than not enjoying it because of a disaster.


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