Tuesday, 28 February 2012


The shocking video which was posted in youtube and on facebook by
a father of a 15 year-old girl, has awakened many curiosities and different points of view towards the general situation of the parenting role.

As you have seen, this man’s concern for what her daughter mentions is clearly logical and disturbing - being born in a different time, where technological items where being introduced, and seeing how your offspring posts openly to her facebook wall different lies about her daily routine at home - basically compering her with a type of ‘personal slave’ - must be hard and heart-breaking, also seeing how the need of social sharing is nowadays huge and essential for many adolescents, and it's increasing minute by minute.
Is this reaction over the the top or is it the simple application of traditional education?

For more information about the post, you can visit the whole article:


  1. I actually saw this video a couple of days ago... The article came up on La Vanguardia!
    Juvenile society has become incrisingly dependant on technology in the most rapid and in my opinion, alarming way. Our life seems to evolve around our phones, computers and social networks such as facebook. Any teenager that tries to deny this is just kidding themselves. With this I am trying to emphasize my point: absolutely every adolescent knows how much time is being spent on these gadgets and if they are being used in the proper way. Evidently, this man's daughter didn't know how to control herself whilst typing on the keyboard and now she has seen the consequences of such behaviour.
    I would like to point out that if the daughter turned into such a disrespectful person, her parents are the ones to blame. I mean, just by watching the video you can tell the father is seemingly just as bad using swear words as his daughter. If she had written on her facebook complaining about life at home without the bad language, than perhaps the father wouldn't have been that outraged. But how can he complain about her cursing when he does exactly the same thing?
    I repeat, the ultimate responsibility lies in the parents who obviously haven't been able to educate their daughter in the way they thought suited best. If they had, they wouldn't be so disappointed in her.
    So, is the dad's reaction exagerated? I think not. He has obviously fought many battles at home and so has felt that his most powerful weapon yet, were put to use. His daughter has not only lost her "cybernetic organism" but has also been humilated as the dad posted his video on her facebook wall. He has truly made his daughter pay back for all the headaches he has had to endure beacuse of her behaviour.
    Though I believe this punishment is sort of traditional and severe as it truly disciplines, I think that it will only increase the amount of tension as the daughter's anger and rebellion will rise. Violence and aggresiveness is not the path to solve problems. These should be elucidated and resolved through a wonderful gift called "talk".

  2. What a dad! I would never imagine my dad doing this type of things, but of course i never said such bad thing from my parents, and less on facebook. The girl, in my opinion, deserved this because next time she will not be desrespectful with the women that cleans the house or their parents in a public site where everybody can see it.
    However, I think that the dad posting the video on youtube is much more severe i would ever imagine, I would like to know how the girl feels right know when he sees that the video has more than 30 milion visits on this video.
    If I was the daughter, I would never do that again because here the father has shown that when he says something he actually does it.

    Alvaro Fuertes

  3. Wow, that was disturbing. Talk about not giving empty threats!

    I sincerely believe that there is something wrong with the daughter. You have to be stupid to post something like that on facebook when you know your dad can easily see it. If I had a dad like that, I'd be singing his praises on my facebook wall every day, out of fear of that gun!

    I'd be able to live with the fact that he's shot my laptop eight times (excessive, much?), but not with the fact that he posted the video on my wall and on youtube for all my friends to see. It's got over 30 million views, which basically means that pretty much everyone she's ever known has seen the video.

    I completely agree with the father, because the daughter was disrespectful and just plain nasty towards her parents,who do everything for her. I believe that the punishment fits the crime, although maybe he went a bit overboard at the end. Maybe this way she'll think twice before doing something stupid like that again, or at least have the decency to cover her tracks.

  4. Having read all the comments above, I totally agree with the statements expressed.

    The fact that the young girl had to rely on a social network to show her concerns, which is normal to have an abrupt reaction if you have a bad day at school, basically demonstrates how teenagers (and even some parents) feel the need of sharing their personal life on facebook and other social sites – it’s frightening how our dependence on new technologies arises even more in a daily basis.

    However, I have to agree that the father’s reaction wasn’t the most appropriate as, as Alexia mentioned, we have in our possession a very powerful tool which is able to solve many problems if used in an assertive way: talking. On the other hand, I totally understand his shocking and violent reaction, as seeing your own daughter moaning about her duties – which plenty of adolescents carry out, and, whatsmore, insulting her parents and having to doe-to a connection between millions of people worldwide, must be pretty tough and sad to manage.

    The general behaviour of his daughter looks both unpleasant and irritating. I feel as if teenagers nowadays don’t express respect towards their parents in any way, compared to twenty years earlier. In my opinion, both the father’s and his daughter’s attitude weren’t appropriate towards the situation, although for sure both will have learned new values and I can tell they’ll put away any negative frustrations between them – obviously within time and patience.

    Susanna Balaguer Serra

  5. When I firstly saw this news on the TV I was shocked and astonished.
    The reaction of the father was totally unacceptable as his actions were of an immense brutality. He definitely let off steam. Such a brutal reaction was probably a result of accumulated annoyance. New technologies have advantages and disadvantages, if a member of a family decides on not letting another member of the family from using a computer what he needs to do is to explain him in a nice way the disadvantages it is causing.

  6. I have to admit that I had already seen this video before, but when I saw it for the first time, I just burst out laughing. I know. It isn’t the most normal attitude towards this video, because as I’ve seen in the comments above you were all amazed and astonished, I have to say that I was that way too, but most of all I found it hilarious.

    Firstly, because of that immature post from the daughter, I basically found it too childish and I had to agree with the father’s position with some comments the daughter posted on Facebook. And first of all, why facebook? Couldn’t she just write all that in a notebook or her diary, if she just wanted to unburden? I understand that we all have bad days, but that was just an inappropriate thing to do.

    But the daughter isn’t the best part here, the father is the main character of the video, with his cowboy hat, wanting to show off his discipline and making himself look like a hard strong man. However, I saw all the opposite, I saw a stupid man that wasted 130 dollars fixing a laptop that he afterwards shoot down just to teach his daughter a “valuable” lesson. I thought it was excessive and too aggressive, maybe because I found it all too ironic and unreal and because of the father’s appearance is the reason why I laughed so hard watching it.

    In conclusion, I couldn’t figure out why both of them did why they did, and why the father just took out his gun and started shooting. Who did he want to impress a part from his daughter? His daughter’s friends? His wife? Show that he is so tough because he knows how to use a gun? Simply pathetic.

    1. Carla, I love your comment! I laughed with the "simply pathetic" part. You are so right! And the best thing, is that you are the first one who has come up with a completely different point of view. A point of view which I didn't even consider!I agree with your comment even more than with my own!

  7. I actually think this dad is acting in the right way. It is obvious that this girl does not know what she had…It seems that she should be somewhere completely alone and with no technology to make her see what she had.

    I have to say that after seeing this video I feel bad for her dad, How can she treat him like this?…It is absolutely ridiculous the way she acted…Why putting it on facebook? Is it really necessary? Why didn’t she make them see how she was feeling?
    It seems that the way of people living changes a lot after a few generations...
    What I would do if I was him, would not only be shooting at the computer, actually I would punish her: making her do all the beds and laundries, etc .

    I do have a girl working at our house, but I respect her because I think she’s just like me. But it seems pointless to this girl the world "HELP", this girl is way too immature…

    Alejandra Séculi


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