Yes it's true! One of our best dreams is going to become real in 2011, so this year!. The Spanish government is going to introduce a law in 2011 that allows under-age people to drive their car accompained by an adult. If somebody under 18 wants to drive a car he has to be examined on the 125cc theorical exam and pass at least 20 practical exams (car).
Wouldn't it be marvellous for us? Especially those that their parents will not let them have a bike never, because they are constantly repeating us that a motorbike is too dangerous. When the law comes up, the majority of first bach students could come with their parents and their car to school.
The advantage of this is that teenagers will be better prepared for driving at 18 alone on the other hand we can't go where ever we want when we want!
What do you think about it, is this a good initiative?
Are there more advantages or disadvantages?
Will this increase or lower risk?
I learnt to drive when I was 17, as did all my friends at school. It was normal. It meant that you learnt with Mum and Dad - or simply a suicidal acquaintance! Seriously though, it saved you a lot of money - as long as Mum and Dad's car survived the ordeal. I have to boast that I passed first time after a minimum of classes. But then... I have to confess that Mum and Dad's car didn't survive the first six months of me at the wheel. If you think I can't stay still at 39 years old, imagine what I was like at 17... and behind the wheel of a car?
ReplyDeleteIt is fabulous news Iturbe! That is completely fantastic! I, personally, have been waiting 17 years to drive and I cannot wait to drive in one year from now! I love driving! I have been driving, however illegally in my countryside's house but it is not the same! We'll say I can liberate tension every two or three weeks whe I can escape to my vacation spot!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to Spain's government in taking out such law but I see it as many words and not much doing! Zapatero’s politics is this one; he talks a lot and does absolutely nothing. I personally think that this law can affect us in a very bad way because there are some teenagers that are completely stupid and inconscious and would cause many problems driving. The longer we wait to let them drive better. We all know of what type of person we are talking about!
I personally believe that there is more advantages to it than less. America is a country where in the most of the state’s people drive freely with 16 and is there less accidents, more statistically? I don’t know but I truly think there is no more for it! I personally believe governments don’t want to do this because they earn a lot of money because of public transport and they’ll lose (not many though) if they reduce the driving age. They don’t want to lose many nowhere and more at this times!!!
In conclusion I am in favour of it for one main reason, I want to drive the sooner the better.
Hmmmm I'm struggling to see the benefit of this as the whole point of getting your own vehicle and learning to drive is that you achieve independence. If you have to be with your parents all the time then you may as well save yourself the effort of driving as you achieve nothing in terms of freedom to move about.
ReplyDeleteI suppose some people must be relishing the opportunity to drive though, so it is positive in some respects! personally I would rather have a bike and not have to go around with my parents all the time.
I think it's a great idea!
ReplyDeleteMy family has nothing against motorbikes, but I think that it would be much easier for us to learn driving, because you don't have the need of driving lessons and you can do it with family or over 18 friends who can help you. When you get to the test it will be much easier.
I hope it really happens!!
Andrea Roca
I think it's a very good idea!!most of us don´t have any type of transport until 18 and just for moving from place to place in Barcelona is very useful and comfortable.
ReplyDeleteThis iniciative is very good but it has to be good organised because people like us,teenagers have never drived a car,and this iniciative could increase the number of accidents and that is VERY bad.
Whay I would do is allow teenagers to have cars under the age of 18 but firstly,they can´t circulate in highways or those types of places and also the licency should be of the same difficluty than the normal one,because this permission for teenagers for having a 50 or 125 bike to achieve this permits it's extremely easy and most ogf them are very unconscious or very unmature to support such responsability.
Pedro Balaña
This post has been a real surprise now that I've just read it. I had heard rumors about it, that’s true but, just as an informal spoken issue I must say that I never thought it would become a reality, I thought that many years would go by until we saw this on the news, as it is a decision that has certainly been very debated, and I’m sure that it will be quite polemical and controversial. Apparently, at least for minors, it seems to be a great success, something that everyone should feel happy about. This change could seem to be made in order to mitigate anxious, impetuous teenagers wanting to feel adults. However, as attractive and tempting this may seem to youngsters, it can have serious risks.
ReplyDeletePeople supporting this new law will argue that many other civilized countries have had this law since a long time ago, for example the United States or Canada. This is true, still, it must be said that these country’s infrastructure couldn’t be more different than Spain’s. Cities in the US extend quite a lot, and public transport isn’t efficient enough to ship all the minor teenage population that isn’t old enough to drive alone but old enough to feel independent about where it wants to go. So in these countries it certainly is necessary that driving license can be obtained from 16 above, but it is very likely that our country has other more urgent needs.
On the other hand, people living in rural areas, where public transport is totally unreliable, will certainly find this new law quite beneficial, as it will allow minor teenagers to get themselves to nearby towns or villages. But again, they will have to be accompanied by an adult, so this beautiful freedom that the law provided is partially lost. In addition, living in these days we live in, with car usage in cities trying to be reduced in order to reduce gas pollution, these changes doesn’t seem consistent or rational at all.
In conclusion, I personally believe that this changes are totally unnecessary and I’m sure the government has many other more essential things to worry about.
Òscar Monés
That’s very good news, but as Santiago said, one thing is saying something and the other is doing it.
ReplyDeleteOne main advantage of this is that you would have more experience, and consequently, more ability at the wheel. That would reduce the number of accidents on the roads, one of the main causes of mortality in Spain.
But on the other hand, some people are not mature enough to drive a car, and that could become a serious issue, and if this law doesn’t get through, it will be because Spain is full of this kind of persons.
In addition, there would be an environmental problem, as if you can drive at 16, I’m quite sure you would go driving anywhere, just to show off or just to enjoy the pleasure of driving.
Lluis Grifols.
In my opinion, it is a great idea, mainly because it will open new possibilities for young teenagers, that aren't allowed to drive a bike, or that don't feel comfortable driving one(because of the multiple risks that compels).
ReplyDeleteI think, this law should be fomented, through all europe, however, i see a clear disadvantage; Those teenagers, that drink and drive, have a higher risk of having an accident, than an adult has, basically, because the skills that require to drive a motor vehicle, are achieved, only by practicing, and if they aren't good at a start, and then we add the alcohol factor, we have a very risky situation, so, in order to prevent future deaths, i think that patrols should be increased, towards the prevention of accidents.
I would also like to add, that i learned to drive 3 years ago, when i was in India, and i have to say, that it is much easier to drive a car, than to drive a gear bike, even when you are driving through crowds of people and cows!!!
As a conclusion, i would like to say that as far as there is a strict control, it is a great idea, and if you don't like to drive(like my case), you can always use public transports(less pollution), or if you have the chance, be driven.
This is a really good idea in order to prepare future drivers better. If we start practicing our driving skills from an earlier age it will make it a lot easier for us to drive in the future. What is more, this technique would help us lose the fear that most drivers face when driving on their own for the first time. In other words, if we get used to driving with the help of our parents when we are younger, this will probably help both us and the community as we will be used to driving and we will probably make less fouls.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if I look at it from a student’s point of view I don’t see this as a great improvement. Imagine if you had to go around everywhere with your parent next to you. I think it would definitely end up annoying me not only because I would always be depending on them but also because I don’t understand why I would have to work to get my license if I was going to drive around with my mum. If I’m going to go with my mum she might as well take the wheel and save me the studying in order to get the license.
In conclusion, I think this would be an interesting idea but it needs to be thought on a little bit more or I it probably wouldn’t be very popular.
I am in the same situation as santi so I feel it's a really good inciative. Like Santi, every week end I'm at my summer house I try to release all my anxiety and drive, accompained by father and in the middle of the countryside; doing no harm to anybody.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the news, I think it's a really good initiative. Driving accompained during a year can give loads of experience to those who are beggining, and this way when they get to the point of driving alone they'll have the suficient sucurity and experience to drive. This way the accident statistics can decrease and reduce the mortality of young people between 18 and 22 years old.
However, it has its few cons. For example, car use can increase, and with it pollution and trafic jams, specially in the main cities; as the new drivers will only take their cars within the city streets. According to the theme that having your own car gives independence, the aim of this law is not achieving this. We have to consider that the purpose is that people will have the confidence and secuirity necessary to drive alone, without causing accidents; main problem when 18 year old adolocents drive their car for 3rd time and alone; without control at all.
It’s weird, just a couple of hours ago I was talking about this with my dad.
ReplyDeleteI personally myself think it would be a great idea. It won’t be as dangerous as it is going with a motorbike in the middle of Barcelona or any other city. The risk of having an accident is extremely high, but if we compare it with a car is completely different.
Just a wrong turn with a motorbike and you can get really hurt however with a car the impact is different.
Even though, we still have to go with our parents in the car, I find it exciting and it’s a great way of preparing the future drivers. And how fantastic that it won’t cost anything, compare to the amount of money people have to spend on their lessons.
In conclusion, I find this a really attracting idea, and I really hope this law will come up soon.
I thought this was just the kind of false information that you can find on the internet, but if Iturbe says this is going to be a reality, I don't doubt a bit.
ReplyDeleteIf teenagers under 18 will be able to drive only if accompanied by adults, I think this new initiative is clearly a progress. I like to make this clarification because letting someone so young drive alone is a foolishness (yes, I am indirectly criticizing the American laws). This new law will let people who are anxious to drive (e.g.: Santi a.k.a "Lord", Nilo) satisfy their uncontrollable desire. It could also be helpful for others who, like me, aren't particularly keen to start driving, but wouldn't reject this opportunity of practicing before the real deal (driving without someone who supervises you).
Disadvantages? I don't see many. Maybe this is just a reason more to argue with your father/mother (the one who is with you in the car): "don't drive so fast!", "stop!", "let the old lady cross the street!" [...] Haha I can imagine a great number of teenagers preferring to go by bus rather than bearing that cross LOL.
Now seriously, I'm going to conclude this post saying that I'm glad that someone has come up with this idea. I expect the number of car accidents to decrease in the next couple of years.
I think this initiative is not posotove for the country because it will give a great problem for the country, air polllution because of the excess of cars on the streets causing trafic jams and as I said a really important worlwide problem called air pollution.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the only positive aspect about this change of law is that young people in the world when they arrive at 18 year-old age they will be better prepared to drive a car so traffic accidents will decrease.
Finally according to my ideas there are more advantages than disadvantages, for me it won't be a good idea this modification of laws.
Enric BG
In my opinion, and a contrast to the previous comment, I don't think under-aged people being able to drive accompained by an adult will make a difference in pollution. I don't think parents will buy their children their OWN car just for driving it sometimes. So it won't harm contamination more than it already does.
ReplyDeleteFor me, the real issue is with who is this adolescent gping to drive. As long as it's one of his parents it's (normally) okay, but it could be one of his older friends that has the same mental age as a three-year-old.
I disagree with this initiative from the Spanish government.
Can't we wait until 18 to drive a car?
Anna Planas.
It would be a marvelous idea, but like all things, it would have advantages and disadvantages.
ReplyDeleteThe advantages of having permission having a car at 17 are a huge amount. One advantageous thing would be that everyone would spend less money in buses, taxis and any type of transports. Also it would be beneficial because it’s more secure than a motorbike and people would be more independent.
In the other hand, it would be disadvantageous because the world would be more contaminated and pollution would increase. This is the worst part of having a car at this age. In addition, another problem could be that the number of accidents would increase so much that the law would be prohibited another time.
So we can see that it has more advantages than disadvantages. Why not trie it? It would be great.
Personally, I doI agree with Julian when saying that it would be marvellous and fun, but I don’t personally think it’s a good idea. Driving a car should be exclusively for over-aged, as it has always been.
ReplyDeleteI believe it to be another distraction-law to take citizen’s attention off the global crisis, and the appalling performance of our politicians, to put it into stupid and useless laws like this one.
Because, if it isn’t, what is the purpose of letting minors drive a car? If an adult must anyways, accompany them, why not making the adult drive instead, as it has always been? There are certainly, from my point of view, no advantages to it.
1- This doesn’t give the adolescents any kind of independence, (so it isn’t a substitute for the motorbike in over-protective families) just the fun and rush they get from driving a car themselves, and I don’t think this is a responsible idea. Julian talked about driving ourselves to school, but if we must drive with our parents, what point is there? Parents often by their children a vehicle in order to quit driving them around, so this new law doesn’t help, in this way. Driving should be regarded as a practical way to move around, and do teenagers have the need for it? And if the answer is yes, then there are plenty solutions, like having a bike, or a Light Quatricycle (commonly known as Taca-Taca), for families concerned about the dangers of a bike.
2- Most of my colleagues commented on the fact that it is good practice for potential drivers, and that might be true, but to pass your Practical Driving exam you will need, no matter what, to take a certain number of practical lessons which will surely take you up to a decent level of driving. Not to mention that it is highly improbable and time consuming for a teenager to pass the Practical Exam 20 times, if most adults struggle just to pass it once!
In my opinion, there is a time set for everything, and I think that wanting to accelerate this process is not productive. What will be the next, allowing juniors to smoke?
Carlota Guilera Serra
Wow! Like many others that have already commented, I thought I had to wait till I was 18 so that's great news, as I have already argued with my parents about having a motorbike and they've clearly made the point about not having me have one because they say that "your body is the vehicle's metal bodywork" and they are absolutely right in that, as a car is safer that a motorbike in that sense which is the most important part. Moreover, if 14 year-olds are able to drive a "taca-taca" why not letting 17 year-olds, who are mature enough to drive a car? It's a great idea as you don't have to rely as much on your parents and it's an oppotunity to become more independent in order to go to a lot of places which your parents can't always take you to.
ReplyDeleteAs Julian said, it's a very good practice for those who want to get the car licence as soon as it's legal.
I agree it is an interesting idea although a bit too innocent from the government because the fact of needing to be driving always with an adult next to you is very hard to believe. This underaged drivers will drive with no adults. In addition if there is an accident this knew law will be questioned and hardly criticized which will lead to problems that are now avoidable. As Carlota said I also think that this might be a distraction-law for us to focus in non-important dilemmas, therefore ignoring others like the economical crisis and the high unemployment .
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand this law is an advantage to those who want their license as soon as possible. Also it's an advantage because it helps you to prepare for when you have to drive by your own. Personally I'm interested about this law to contemplate as a possibility to do this.
In conclusion, I've received this knew law with caution and distrust. If things are done correctly and the government is able to handle this with decision the overall mark is positive to to do this.
At least, I always wanted that this day arrived!!
ReplyDeleteI think it is a very but very good initiative. Teenagers will have the opportunity to practice with an adult so that when the real challenge of the day you are taking your driving practical exam, you will be less nervous and self-confident.
I am not really sure if there are more advantages than disadvantages. In my case I think advantages because I couldn’t wait for the moment to get and drive one of those magnificent vehicles.
I don’t know if this will increase or lower the risk but the only think I can say is that if you’ve been recently practising earlier in your lives, further on you will be more confident and secure about your driving. So in this case I think risk will be low!!
Daniel Cosano
I think this is a great advantage because it helps to educate unexperted drivers before they enter in there formation in the auto-school. What I want to say is that when people enter the auto-school, it will be easier for them to achieve getting the license for driving.
ReplyDeleteI think that with this new rule there will be more advantages. For example the thing that I just mention is an advantage. But in my opinion, is not if this new rule has more advantages or disadvantages, this new rule I think it has the objective to give some driving education to young people.
Didac mullor
Even though this is what most of us are waiting for since we found out what a car was, in my opinion it is not the best idea politiciants and those who surround them have come up with.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I am sure they have considered this manly because of the crisis our country is going through; allowing society to purchase cars for people under 18 would definetely move money, which is precisely what the country need right now.
However, in my opinion, not only would this increase the risk of accidents and therefore cause more deaths, but it is not a good image. It is 'less bad' when it has always been that way, like other countries, or like it would be in this one in ten years time if the law was approved, but making the change right now.. it simply doesn't feel right.
It is demonstrated that many accidents are caused by young people who have recently passed their driving tests, who decide to get the car at late hours in the night or even when they are not completely sober...
But who knows, maybe it would help the economy and we would surely get used to it.. so it is a change which is not that big of a deal.
Carla Galcerán