Thursday 19 January 2012

A 'Hollywood' Assassin.

'...Officials said the victim appeared to be a male in his 40s of Armenian descent with salt-and-pepper hair. Police also believe that the slaying had occurred recently, because of the condition of his remains, the Times reported.

The severed hands could likely be from the same body, as a number of coyotes who inhabit the area could have moved some of the body parts...'

The investigation started when Lauren Kornberg and her mum wer walking around their neighbourhood area and suddenly saw their dog, -named Indiana Bones- walking toward them with something in his mouth. Laura kornberg and her mum at first laughed as they thought it was some sort of material a hollywood studio had left around the area,or a simple ball, but when they foccused on what their dog was carrying, saw the blood and figured out it was a human head what Indiana Bones was carrying. They immediately called the police.

In my opinion this case looks as if it was of a film, dont you think?

What would you have done if you had been in thas situation?

For full article, visit:

Paulina Torras


  1. I can't believe what I am reading! I totally agree with you Paulina, it seems as if it was an episode of the Csi tv series.

    I'm atonished with the fact that this things are still happening now, in a world where peace is, in my opinion,quite needed.

    The idea of imagining myself in the situation where Laura Kornberg and her mum found theirselves gives me goosebumps. I really cannot imagine myself in that situation. I guess I would have also called the police, but I am sure I would have screamed if I saw a chopped, bloody head in my dog's jaw.

    I found really interesting the fact of the dog calling himself Indiana Bones, as he found something valuable to police, just as famouse TV archaeologist Indiana Jones.

    Claudia Samsó

  2. Yes Claudia I totally agree with you, it reminded me of a Csi Episode which was also set in Hollywood!

    Paulina Torras

    1. I actually haven't seen that episode itself, but I've seen lots of them, and it reminded me of this Tv-series as in most episodes the main characters have to solve cases that really look like this one. Strange cases I mean.

      Caudia Samsó

  3. Yep, I think I get your point. This cases are this ones you actually don't think will happen in real life, this is why I was surprised when I read it in the news this afternoon, and had the need to post it in the blog as I think it is quite bizarre for this to happen nowadays.

    Paulina Torras

  4. I can’t think of any human being able to react in a natural way facing this terrifying situation, which totally reminds me of the kind of murder seen in films or series with hard politician contents. Actually, these are the films I like to watch and so this makes me be quite used to imagining extreme sadistic situations with which I would obviously be unable to cope once they stopped being fictional. I can’t imagine myself dealing with such a situation but I would probably have called the police because of the extreme need of protection that I would be looking for.

    The murderer must have been mentally ill because chopping someone’s head off is not the kind of thing you desperately want to do. What this assassin did was not only killing a human being but also enjoying the process by prolonging the victim’s pain. This may be a case of revenge or an act of a psychopath.

    I’ve also heard about many crimes that seem to be only possible through a screen, but actually happen in real life and closer than you think, maybe even in your neighbourhood (I don’t intend to scare you). As an example I suppose I could mention a crime that happened in Barcelona about two years ago, where a mother and her daughter gathered the courage in order to kill the husband and father, which had been abusing of them during years. However, the shocking thing was the way in which they did it. It was the mother who, using an axe, splashed the living room with her husband’s blood after having hit his body fifteen times. Once she had done this she flew away to Russia, the family’s native country, living her daughter in charge of the house, which had been now painted black in order to hid the blood produced.


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