Tuesday 3 January 2012

Amazing dancing, but appropriate?

This video was lunched a couple of years ago but these days it continues causing controversial arguments between the society. We can see how 7 year-old girls dance in a very sensual and provocative way despite their innocence. There are two totally opposite points of view about it.

One Youtube user commented:
“...Besides everyone being all judgy, did ANYONE realize they actually have talent and probably how much work they put into this ? No? Well, They HAVE talent & people SHOULD notice more instead of thinking the negatives”
On the contrary, we can see other people's thoughts, for example,
“These are 7 year olds dancing like 20 year old strippers...the outfits are INAPPROPRIATE for their ages”
What do you think about this video? Which statement do you support the most? Are you used to see 7 year-old girls dancing like this?
I would like to read you comments as I got astonished when I so it for the first time!

Nicole Pattje


  1. After having watched the video several times, I have to say that I still can't believe it, both the quality of the dance and the type of dance it is.

    To start with, i would like to make clear that i am totally impressed, despite them being so young, they have the abilities of a 20 year old girl and they really impress the audience.

    After having said this, I also would like to express my real opinion about this video. I don't think a 7 year old girl should make this kind of performances with such a sexual and provocative clothing and dancing because it is absolutely innappropiate. In my opinion, parents shouldn't let their daughters learn this kind of dances because they actually seem strippers and not innocent seven year old girls, and in the case of being the dance school the one who implement this dancing to this age groups, they should be denounced immediately.

    Moreover, what impacts me isn't just the dancing and the clothing, what in my opinion goes totally over the top, is the fact that this video was uploaded to a public website like youtube, because this provokes even more controversy and more polemic and probably this girls will end up reggretting it.


  2. Woa! I don't recall me dancing like that when I was seven years old! They've got talent, that's for sure, but perhaps too much?
    In this sense I completely agree with David. Seven year olds shouldn't be allowed to perform this way. They performed as if they're in their twenties... Not appropiate though! Then again, the ones responisble are the parents and the organization that organized the competion:why do they even allow it? What really gets at me though is not the actual dance, but the wardrobe. I mean, red lace and black boots? Come on!
    If they had performed in short sleeved tops and jeans I don't think any of the negative comments posted on youtube would have come out.
    The dance isn't sexual at all, it just demonstrates pure talent. But the clothing changes the whole thing. That's my opinion anyway.

  3. I agree with both David and Alexia.

    I imagine american parents encouraging their daughters to follow these childs steps, when it is clear for all of us that no 7-year-old should be performing this.

    In my opinion european parents would be scandalised if they saw this, on the other hand american parents in general would feel totally pleased and proud. Is this a wrong way of encouraging our childs to grow? I think so.

    I am not saying the dance is innapropriate, poor girls are not even aware of what they are provoking, they are just copying what they see every day on TV. What I am saying is that eventhough the exhibition shows amazing skills these girls dont have the adequate age for perfoming it. I am sure their parents could fix it if they wanted, the problem is they do not realise it is not a normal way of moving for someone so young. The time will come for them to dance that way, but can someone please tell them? Meanwhile they can keep on dancing other things with the same tallent.

    Georgina Bastida

  4. I haven’t got a clue about the outfits dancers wear at their 7 years old, but I find totally disgraceful the fact that they are dressed so provocative in front of millions of viewers. Their stylists and their family are taking in advantage the little girl’s innocence so that the popularity of these gets higher without taking into consideration the image of a 7 year old body.

    On the other hand, I would like to congratulate them for displaying in such a suitable song their abilities and their qualities which seem amusing to any viewer with the smallest notion of dancing.

    If they had danced this song with another outfit, I think the video wouldn’t have caused so many controversial opinions and more viewers would be interested on those talented girls.
    Francisco Palop Vallet-Barceló

  5. I agree with all of the comments said above. This video has really impressed me for several reasons. To start I would like to say that it clearly shows the talent this little girls have, and the time they have put in to achieve this spectacular dance. However, this doesn't mean that it should be done by 7 year old girls. I think that everything has it's age and it's moment, and this dance shouldn't have been done with this years because it doesn't give them a good image. Moreover, the costumes used aren't very appropriate for their age too.
    To conclude I would like to say that although this isn't a very suitable dance for their age, they should take into account all the effort and abilities this girls have.

    Claudia Samsó

  6. I'm not only atonished by the outfits this seven year old girls are wearing, but i'm also worried about their parents. I don't think it is normal for parents to let their seven year olds dance in front of that wide audience dressed up that way.
    Despite the fact that I'm really surprised about this dance, I agree that this seven year old girls have lots of talent and so their effort should be taken in account too.

    My general opinion about this youtube video is certainly that this girls dance in a tremendous way and look quite ambitious, but this dance should have been done when the girls were a bit grown up.
    Paulina Torras


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