Tuesday 18 October 2011

Prohibition of Bull-fighting

The recent ban of bull-fighting in Catalonia has caused a greater contrast between the opinions of the Spanish population according to this prohibition.
  • Which is your opinion in reference to this prohibition of bull-fighting?
  • Do you defend bull-fighting?
  • Or do you think it is an animal torture?
Give your opinion by commenting below.
Thank you.


  1. bull-fighting should be legal in Catalonia because it has been a Spanish tradition for many centuries. Future generations will not be able to see it and it is not fair. Bull-fighting it is representative for Spain and now other countries such as Mexico are starting to celebrate bull-fights.
    Ignacio A.

  2. In Spain and specially in Catalonia, people tend to associate bull-fighting with political views. However, I would like to separate them in order to give my opinion of bull-fighting.

    Although it's a very important tradition in Spain, it is still an unnecessary abuse of animals. I think any moral person would disapprove of it and agree with its banning. Therefore, the prohibition of bull-fighting in Catalonia turned out to be very good news for me.
    Matías P.

  3. I totally agree with Ignacio’s point of view as one of the reasons that Spain is recognised is because of the bull-fighting. Many tourists come to Spain to see them as it is fascinating how close a person can be to a bull. The fact that it’s a tradition is the most reasonable argument to let these events continue in Catalonia and that is why I think this shows shouldn’t be banned. On the other hand, if most of the Catalonians agree on prohibiting them then they should also prohibit the famous “corre-focs”, or not? The people who have forbidden it, I suppose that it is because they consider that the animal is being tortured, but then, aren’t the bulls from the “corre-focs” also hurt and treated badly?

    Nicole Pattje

  4. I personally think bull-fightings should be legal. Catalan people have only banned bull-fighting because they feel like if they were not spanish, so what they do is, ban spanish traditions and keep there traditions like the "correbous" which in my opinion is a way of making a animal suffer without a dignity. Bull-fighting, is a tradition in which the bull dies with dignity and not humiliated as in the "correbous".

  5. In my personal opinion, bull-fighting must be prohibited because although it is a very ancient Spanish tradition, what they really do is kill a bull for people´s fun, besides, the bull has no choice and will have a very slow and painful death, which should be totally forbidden to do it to any living creature. On the other hand, I also think the ¨correbous¨should also be prohibited because it is more or less the same than bullfighting and because it is a Catalan tradition it is legal so looking at it that way it is unfair.

  6. After reading all these posts, I completely agree with the last one by Anonymous.
    In my opinion, bull-fighting is an unethical activity that ends with the life of innocent animals for the pleasure of humans. Yes, it is a national symbol, but there are many other things that represent our country! For example: paella,sun, siesta, sevillanas...
    And, let's face it, bull-fighting has never been that big in Catalonia...
    All I can say is that I am glad it has been banned though as everyone has mentioned, there seems to be a double standard. If bull-fighting has been prohibited, than the corre-bous should be too.
    It seems to me as if bull-fighting was only banned to sort of "separate" Catalonia from the rest of Spain and to signal out the differences between them.
    If bull-fighting was stopped for this political reason, and not for pity towards the animals, then I cannot say I am proud of the decision made. But then again, either way, the bulls will finally stop suffering.

  7. In my personal opinion, bull-fighting must be prohibited because although it is a very ancient Spanish tradition, what they really do is kill a bull for people´s fun, besides, the bull has no choice and will have a very slow and painful death, which should be totally forbidden to do it to any living creature. On the other hand, I also think the ¨correbous¨should also be prohibited because it is more or less the same than bullfighting and because it is a Catalan tradition it is legal so looking at it that way it is unfair.David Vilalta

  8. As many said watching an animal being tortured to death is something cruel and I believe, a shame for the country. This is why I was delighted to hear that this activity has been banned in order to respect animal rights.
    I also hope that this prohibition will arise a series of debates about the subject no matter what one's political view is and that other parts of Spain follow the example of Catalonia.

  9. Like most people who commented, I am pleased to know bull fighting has been banned here in Catalonia, no matter how long this activity has been practiced for, no tradition should involve animal slaughtering and under no consent as a means of entertainment. However, I would like to point out something many people are not aware of, what I find curious is the fact that there is lots of controversy concerning bull fighting but nobody ever talks about the conditions animals with alimentary purpose such as chicken, pigs, ducks and many others suffer. These animals are bred in captivity and are kept imprisoned in cages hardly big enough for them to move, stacked together with dreadful hygiene conditions. The fact that they are kept in warehouses involves that the light they receive is artificial and in some cases manipulated to increase product producing, for instance, eggs layed by hens. Moreover, if it isn’t still enough of an awful life, these animals at some point in their life are crammed into a lorry and taken away to slaughterhouses where they are hung up by their ankles and killed with electric shocks. So, if we compare this atrocious life to the life of bulls, of toro’s bravos, a long, calm life, roaming and grazing over hundreds of hectares with plenty of food and other commodities only having to suffer, one day, I know it’s a horrible, humiliating and painful death but still, it’s only one day. I am not defending bull fighting or suggesting it shouldn’t be banned, but my point is that bull fighting shouldn’t be the centre of attention regarding animal torture, because, as I have just explained, there are animals suffering much worse treating.
    Lucas Drobnitzky

  10. In my opinion, the fact of having fun watching how a guy dressed as if it was carnival tortures a animal that hasn't donde anything wrong. We should kill animals for survive not because some people think its fun watching the death of an animal. By the other hand, i respect people who thinks it should be legal in Catalonia because it has been a tradition throughout many years in Spain, but I just think that its not morally correct what they do. I think that one of the reasons that bull fighting has been forbidden here is because some political reasons, such as the independency, they want to get rid of the spanish traditions so its easer to have the indepedency here. A.Fuertes


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