Friday 28 October 2011

Men more romantic than women

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Do you agree that men are more romantic? More likely to say 'I love you' first?


  1. You can not say that men are more romantic than girls. But you can't say that girls are. 
    It all depends in the personality of each member. 
    Normally Girls are more lightly to fall in love first but always the boys are the ones that make the first step.
    However some boys that feels a great love towards his partner, normally are more romantic than girls.
    Boys take them to eat, bring them flowers, and do what ever to see here laugh. So yes boys are mire romantic than girls.
    Pablo Cubero

  2. I agree with Pablo about the fact that it all depends in the personality of the partner. However, I personally think that men are not always more romantic than women as they don’t usually show off their feelings so easily as women, but we want a boy to be minimally romantic to us, but that’s because we have always seen men as the ones to take the first step, to invite us to the cinema, the dinner etc. We’ve grown up with these stereotypes about relationships and men, but nowadays, I personally think all of these are unnecessary, it’s like if we depend of men.

    As well as that society seems to relate being romantic with giving presents to women, buying them things etc, and I don’t see it like that at all, I don’t need a boy to give me all those things instead, for me a romantic boyfriend is the person that looks after you, that cares about you, that says “I love you” or that when you say “I love you” he answers back, that tells you pretty things without asking him for them etc.

    Also I personally think that in a relationship, being romantic has to be mutual, a man also needs his partner to tell him all those cute things and to look after him as he does for her, and to be romantic with him as well. So, that is why I don’t care who says “I love you” first as long as it is said whenever you feel to, and as long as the other person answers it back with “I love you too” or similar showing the other person that love is reciprocal.

    In conclusion I don’t think men are more romantic than women because it depends in the relationship and the people, although in most cases men are expected to be the romantics in the relationship.

    Carla Lombardo

  3. When it comes to relationships, I actually do believe men are more romantic than women. I mean, maybe it's just me, but I can't imagine a girl being romantic. Of course, we can say "I love you" and be romantic by using mere words, but I don't think we generally go out of our way to make our partner feel loved by showering them with things. We don't organize dinners, or give flowers and chocolate boxes for Valentine's day or anything of the sort. We always expect to receive the gifts...Even if we did all those things, I would personally not consider it "being romantic". For some reason I associate this last term with the male sex, not female. I know it sounds kind of harsh, but that is truly my personal belief.

  4. I definitely agree with most of my friends opinions. Although I do believe that men are more romantic than women, that’s not always the case. It always depends on the kind of relationship someone has and the intensity of what they feel for each other and also the kind of people that are destined to be together. Maybe none of them are romantic at all or on the other hand, they are both really passionate! There are many ways in which you can show your love towards your partner, and there are special dates such as Sant Jordi in Catalunya or Saint Valentine’s Day where you can express yourself. Men tend to be the ones who make the first move but that should change as soon as possible, because it’s a statement which society has built up during the years and if we wanted, we could turn it around. I am not saying that I would prefer it that way, as everyone is free to choose how they want to control their relationship, but everything would be much equal and easier to handle.

    Judith Aldabó

  5. As they say, it all depends on each personality and relationships each one has.
    I do believe that men tend to show the romantic part they have inside more often than women, but just because women like men that care about them and are constantly showing their love with typical gifts like flowers, chocolate, inviting them to the movies…
    As men do not feel the need of being given all this gifts, they settle for less, which provides less work for women and more for them, as their partner might think that they are not excited about the relationship they have and so they have the obligation of demonstrating with this gifts that they consider and think about their partner.
    On the other hand, we should consider that now our days, these things are changing and men can also start to expect the same treatment they have been giving to us, which would mean that in this aspect, the partnership would be balanced.
    As a conclusion, we are not able to determine who is the most romantic in a relationship as there are lots of aspects to be considered before judging.

    Marina Segura

  6. I agree with most of you, as I think that the relationship conditions if him or her is romantic or not. However, I am with Marina when she states that men usually express how romantic they are, as girls expect it to be like this. In other words, girls can be as romantic as boys, although they do not show it freely because they tend to be more insecure and shy.
    Personally, I think nowadays society accepts variations in these stereotypes, as boys aren’t the ones who have to take charge of the relationship, although girls tend to wait for them to take the first step. So, it is like a never-ending cycle, as people believe that girls can also be romantic, but girls expect boys to take initiative in the relationship.
    In summary, as a general rule, boys expose their romantic part more than girls do, even though many people think it should be equal and reciprocal.
    Ana Las Hayas

  7. I agree with most of this opinions. Since the beginning the boy has been the mot romantic in the relation although some of them don't show it a lot, but they are the ones that have to invite the girl to a date, give her flowes and special presents, and also ask her to marry her, besides, girls don't have to do any of this things, they are romantic in the theory, having conversations about boys with their friends, in their imagination, they like to see romantic movies... and boys are romantic in the practice because they have to win the heart of the girl. In conclusion, I think the boys are romantic because they have to gain the girl, but girls are romantic in their hearts. Claudia Samsó

  8. One thing I agree with all of you is we can not chose the most romantic genre becouse it changes acording to the personality, age, society and other number of influencing factors. I DO think like Marina that is is also imposible for us to even compare the romantic part of each genre; They are different and comeout in distinct ways, therefore until we don't recognise these signs we wont be able of reconsidering.

    I disagree that men show more their romantic part though. In my opinion generaly women appear to be more romantic. Our society was sexist not long ago and it is dificult for men to show their soft side whitout being misunderstood. I belive this is the reason why they do not show their love with so much freeness as we do.

    Georgina Bastida

  9. Alba Rocafort Marco5 November 2011 at 21:04

    I don’t agree with Carla’s point of view. She states that men should act as the ones we watch in the movies, they should always say ‘I love you’ and all kind of romantic things. In real life this doesn’t happen, movies give us a wrong impression about men, they show us men who aren’t afraid of showing their feelings, who would do anything for the woman they love, even die for her. They have made us believe in the stereotype of the ‘charming prince’. Men are no longer romantic as they used to be long time ago. Those men who wrote beautiful poetry to their lovers, or declared their love under the moonlight no longer exist. As you may all know, men today are normal and simple, afraid of complications… at least most of them, because, as always, there might be some exceptions.

    Furthermore, I think that nowadays people think of romance as something old fashioned, even a lot of women think this is true.

    However, I do agree with something the article above says, I agree with the fact that women tend to fall in love quicker than men. This is probably because we usually idealize situations, relationships and men we fall in love with.

    In conclusion, I think people in general are no longer romantic, and it is a pity, since some of the ‘magic’ of being in a couple has been lost.

  10. About all of the comments posted above affirm that men are more romantic than women, but I disagree. Men have always had to be the ones in charge of trying to start the relationship and women in charge of accepting the challenge. Continuing generalizing, men are the ones who tend to impress their beloved in order to achieve her love; it’s because of this that some of them try to be romantic because they know that usually women like romantic actions, as receiving flowers or walking across the lighted city at night. However, these actions are usually made when the relationship has to be reconstructed as the man has done something which he regrets. I agree with Pablo, Carla and Marina in the fact that it depends on the personality. What depends on the personality is the effort that each of the lovers put in the relationship and their way of expressing their love. In my opinion, as I said before, men start with effort trying to seduce the woman they aim for and, therefore, try to be romantic. However, once she’s seduced, they stop being as romantic and she tends to fall in love quicker. I agree with Alba in the fact that nowadays men are much simpler than in the past days, but, actually I think that it’s also because of some women’s attitude as most of them don’t expect to be treated well and just confirm with how they’re treated like.
    In conclusion, I consider that men are romantic when they want to be rewarded with something, and so, because of interest, which makes me say that women are more romantic than men because they’re the ones that expect and enjoy romantic actions which men are forced to do.
    Ana Recio

  11. Alba, I agree with you about the fact that men are not as romantic as they used to be in the past, but that is because things have changed, we have modernized, in general society has modernized and this also affects relationships. Nowadays, we’ve got internet and new technologies that makes things easier, so there’s no need to do all the stuff couples used to do years ago, instead we’ve replaced these details as declaring their love under the moonlight, for other things as sending love songs, cute videos etc.

    Although I also disagree with you because I personally think you talk being too generic, not most men are normal and simple, afraid of complications, there’s also a majority of men that are romantic, they even continue writing poems and showing their love for their partner without being “the typical romantic movie scene”, there are several ways of being romantic and I think it is unfair to make them be the only romantics in the relationship.

    But that doesn’t mean romanticism these days has been lost, most couples have at least a romantic part in their relationship, men continue to seduce women by being romantic and although the methods may be different from the ones long ago, they still use them, mainly because you fall in love with the personality of a person and that usually includes being loving and caring for your partner.

  12. I would like to start by saying that I personally think we tend to confuse the term “ romantic”, with the fact of being insecure. I think that giving gifts such as chocolates or teddy bears its just an excuse to hold that person tight, but in a materialistic way. There are many ways to express our feelings and to be “romantic”. There’s not an exact definition to this action. It all depends on what we consider to be romantic. I agree with the fact that men tend to be more romantic, in most cases, but women are not left behind. In my opinion I don’t consider to be romantic giving out flowers such as roses or having a nice dinner under the moonlight. I think that’s simply pathetic, I consider to be romantic not the fact of receiving gifts from your beloved, or words that mean nothing, but the fact of proving what they feel by taking action on what they say, being there when you really need them is something I find really romantic. I think that simplest things are the most romantic gifts we can receive, I don’t feel its necessary any roses or chocolates in a regular day like valentine’s day, I believe that you need to prove what you really feel by putting everything you can into your relationship each day that you are with your partner. That’s romantic.

    We confuse the fact that men “have” to always make a move first, and ask us out and all that stuff. But that doesn’t mean they are more romantic. That’s the way society has bought us up, but we trully show our feelings by the effort we put on showing our lovers how much we care for them, not by trying to buy them, but by trying to protect them, understand them and just by being by their side.

    Moreover I would like to agree with alba, when she says that movies give us the wrong impression about what we should and shouldn’t be expecting from a man. We are told, that we all get to live this amazing love story in which the man would do anything for us and will not be afraid of showing their feelings, which in real life that its just unrealistic. We tend to expect more from reality because we have this stereotype man stuck on our heads.

    In conclusion I would like to say, like everyone said before, we can’t truly measure which gender is more romantic than the other, every single person is different, and each couple shows their love in many different ways.


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