Monday 24 October 2011

Fuss and nonsense?

What happened on the pitch? Was there ever any real intention to do harm or hurt feelings?


  1. I think Kanouté was trying to put pressure on Messi as he had to kick a penalty shot in the last minute for Barça to win the match. He got what he wanted as he managed to get Cesc's attention. He was the one who started it as he was looking for it.
    In defense of Cesc, i don't think he said anything racist to Kanouté as he is a very good and well mannered player.


  2. It is obvious that Frédéric Kanouté’s intention was to distract Lionel Messi and it’s what he finally achieved. Despite the fact that he has tried to make everyone believed that Francesc Frabregas had insulted him by saying “moro de mierda”, it’s evident that Cesc has his manners and knows that it is completely inappropriate to say so. Kanouté managed to drag everyone’s attention away from the important penalty Messi was just about to kick and would have meant the Barcelona’s victory and they would be first in the league right now. However, the fact that Messi didn’t score may depend on this or many other influences such as the goalkeeper, Javi Varas, who was lucky and managed to stop it as he jumped to the correct side.

    Judith Aldabó

  3. I do not think of any football team, so I'm neutral on this issue. but I have to disagree on the last point of Dani.
    Maybe you're right that Kanute was looking for the attention of a Barca player.
    But Cesc was the one that went t Kanute and supposedly did racist comments.
    We will never know what he said. And they will not admit anything if there is not money in the way. All players are the same, they do whatever for money. Debating topics as this one is absurd because it never reaches a final conclusion.
    Pablo Cubero

  4. I really agree with my two classmates about the purpose of Frédéric Kanouté’s that was to distract Lionel Messi, but his initial idea of distraction was just losing time being in front of Leo Messi and earning his first yellow card for trying to disturb him.

    However, I disagree in my companions opinion of what really happened, theirs opinion is subjective due to that both support one of the teams that were playing (Barça) and so they explained their opinion making Football Club Barcelona's player (Cesc) being the one that was the victim and that didn't do anything.

    In my opinion anyone really knew what happened on the pitch, but, that's no excuse to say that Cesc didn't do nothing because he is well mannered due to that Frédéric Kanouté is famous for being really polite with people and also for donating money to ONG's.
    Jaume Planas

  5. I also agree with my classmates about Kanouté's intentions of distracting Messi. However, I don't think anyone had real intentions of harming or hurting anyone’s feelings and even less discriminating racially knowing that, nowadays, they would be in serious problems by doing that.
    So in conclusion, I think that even if someone has insulted anyone, that person wasn’t doing it seriously and it was just the moment of confusion and rage.

    Miguel Van de Walle

  6. i think it is obvious that cesc fabregas said something harming to kanoute and with the heating of the football match moment i thing it is normal to react like this, we have to think that they have been fighting all the match and in the last moment of the match there was a penalty kick it is normal that frederic kanoute had got heated and cesc fabregas provoked him. i have underestood that after the match they fixed their diferences and problems and everything got solved.
    ignacio criado

  7. I don't know if it is obvious or not but my opinion now is nearer to Ignacio's version than to the first's posts.
    In Barça's match against Hospitalet a player also blamed Cesc Fabregas for saying something rude to him, this musn't be coincidence and Cesc probably have actually said something harming to Kanouté.
    Although what Cesc did wasn't the correct way to act, Kanouté has no excuse of what he did, physical damage is far more dangerous than words and so he was expelled correctly.
    In conclusion, I suppose that in all football matches people say bad things to each other but what players usually do is ignore it and continue playing for reaching the victory.

    Jaume Planas


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