Wednesday 19 October 2011

Blackberry - Crackberry

Did you cold turkey through the days of service blackout? Many did. Users all over the world flocked to forums and sought sympathy from fellow sufferers. Did you, do you, trust your Blackberry? Did you, do you, trust the Web? Perhaps it is time to pause for thought...

Here are two videos on the theme: the first, a comedy sketch; the second, an attempt at comedy.


  1. As a blackberry owner I have to say I was very disappointed when the system broke, as until then I had had no problems with it. I did trust my Blackberry and Web but this is a clear warning that technology can fail.
    It’s was annoying but also quite hilarious as for some it was the end of the world when they couldn’t communicate via Blackberry messenger with their friends. I am personally thankful because it was just the perfect timing with 2 exams a few days ahead.
    This shows us that we can never relay or trust new technologies 100% because you never know what could happen. A few days without Internet were a relief for some of us who aren’t so depended on their phones but for many it was a disaster.
    This time it happened to blackberry but it won’t be long enough (I can assure you that it will also happen) before it also happens to Iphones or any other mobile.
    Up until the last 20 years people lived without mobiles and found other ways of communication. I don’t think their lives where missing something without phones and probably they spend their time doing other creative things.
    So, shouldn’t there be a balance? I surely didn’t miss my blackberry those 2 days!

  2. I would like to start of by saying that I’m a blackberry owner, and as Maria said, I was also quite disappointed and surprised with what happened to the system, due to the fact that I’ve been using blackberry for 4 years and this had never happened to me before. I’m heavily dependent on my blackberry as an easy and economic way of communicating with my family, friends and teachers. My mobile device is my one-stop solution that takes care of my needs to stay connected for school or personal reasons. All my life is on my blackberry; I have my mail, my calendar my bbm etc.
    Students with BlackBerry’s have come to rely on their phones not only for social purposes, but to check class assignments, email accounts and to communicate with teachers and employers.
    Nowadays most employers own one as an easy and economic resource to contact their costumers from all around the world, so this caused them a lot of loss of money due to the lack of communication they had.
    When the system broke, at first I went berserk but then I realized that there were people in worse situations than me which where loosing money because of this complication, so I looked it as a time out from everything and everyone and dedicated some time to more substantial things, such as studying.
    Moreover It’s scary the high dependence we have upon technology. But something that we need to understand is that technology is not completely reliable, we have to be backed up for things like this.
    I think we should reconsider what’s going on with our society and technology and start wondering if it’s a good idea to depend upon these small and complex devices, which facilitate our lives.


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