Monday 1 November 2010

What are you scared of?

It was Halloween yesterday and, around the globe, people were watching scary movies or listening to bloodcurdling stories. However, some people have to deal with extremely strange phobias everyday of their lives!

I've been looking up different phobias that people suffer, and some of them are absolutely irrational and bizzare. It is said that our mind can be manipuled to be scared of almost anything and judging the incredible number of phobias that exist, I believe this is true.

In this video, this man explains some children the most common phobias that people have.

Most of these fears are understandable and many people suffer them. Do you fear any of these things, or do you know someone who does?

Anyway, it gets more complicated; there are phobias that are so rare that doctors don't even know how to treat people who suffer them.

This video shows some of them. However, I can't believe all of them are true!!

So, do you think they are true? Do you know any other strange phobias?


  1. After watching both of the videos and reading the text i have to agree that we're all scared in an irrational way of something in this world. In my opinion, the first video was very interesting and realistic because i had heard of all these phobias before and they're really common. Most people are afraid of at least one of these things. However, i was impressed by the fact that public speaking was the number one phobia, i would have said that death would probably be the leading fear. Out of these phobias i feel identified the most with aracnophobia. I wouldn't call my fear towards spiders a phobia but i have to admit i've always been scared of having them around. No matter how small they are.

    As for the second video i think it's kind of a joke. I don't really think anyone is really scared of cheese or dancing or most of the things mentioned on the video. I also thought the number 1 fear was a bit ridiculous. How can you have fear of everything? If you were actually afraid of everything you wouldn't like touching or being close to anything and i'd say that you would probably end up committing suicide or getting a heart attack.

    A phobia that i was saw while i was on holidays was of a boy who was scared of pigeons. I found it very interesting because i had never seen someone be so scared of these harmless birds but then i realized that we're all scared of different and random things that might seem ridiculous to others.

    Flor T.

  2. I firstly want to say that both videos were quite interesting and quite impressive.The first video was realistic and credible and showed some of the phobias like the aracnophobia.On the other hand, in the second video it seemed to be a joke ,as Florencia said ,as they used those curious and rare words like hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia and dutchphobia to show phobias that don't exist.
    Moreover I looked into the dictionary for these words and they really existed so how strange,no?
    This article has been very interesant,as I discovered new words that didn't knew before
    jordi soldevila

  3. I do know quite a lot about phobias. In fact, I do suffer from arachnophobia. It’s not an exaggeration; I can’t stand spiders, even if they are tiny.

    I do believe that the phobias presented in the first video are true and, what is more, common. I know people who suffer from various of those. However, almost all of the phobias presented in the second video are clearly not true. I haven’t heard of phobia of belly buttons in my entire life, or phobia of long words. Some of these are even stupid. There are some that could maybe exist in some people, like phobia of big objects, but it is still pretty unlikely.

    Carla Galcerán.


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