Thursday 28 October 2010

Should we celebrate HALLOWEEN?

Now that "Halloween's coming" I've found a video about what we celebrate in this feast. Many people think this celebration day is a satanic act, and that celebrating this party is against religion . Nowadays we can celebrate parties and have great fun with Halloween, but the truth is that we are celebrating an antireligious act, where the ancients sacrificed humans.

What do you think is Halloween's purpose?
Should we celebrate this party?
Should Christians celebrate this party?

In my opinion I think Halloween is not more what it was and that there is no problem celebrating this feasts when we do it dressing ourselves. I am happy of how us, humans , have changed through history. We should be proud about that, but we still know what this feast meant in the past and I wouldn't like celebrating a feast like this if the purpose is spirits, ghosts, devils...In conclusion I think we should all have a great time without celebrating nothing only the "party".


  1. E.Bertran:
    Me as a Christian I would like to say that celebrating Halloween for me is celebrating the 'horror' day, for me is not an anti religious party. I would like to give evidence in U.S.A were everybody celebrates Halloween as it was Christmas and Americans are people that are extremely religious.
    From my point of view Halloween is a day to have really fun and have a really nice time with with your friends and family letting behind all his antique proposes from ancient times.

  2. I'm surprised by the videos as I've never seen anything quite like them. As someone said in a comment at the beginning of this blog, it is interesting to have your eyes or mind opened to alternative interpretations of the same reality.

    I must say that like all strong messages that border on propaganda, there appears to have been a careful selection and presentation of facts.

    Many cultures celebrate a period in which the dead are said to return or in which it is said to be easier to feel closer to the dead. But this is not necessarily seen as negative: periodic kindling of the memories of people who are no longer with us can be comforting, inspiring, or even educational. Respect for previous generations, natural cycles and balance, and a different concept of time and growing old are not automatically evil... unless you adhere to a belief system which is black and white; ('Which side are you on?' asks the second video.)

    In addition killing, mass extermination and ethnic cleansing have been carried out by many peoples over the centuries and in the name of many different beliefs and religions. Out of context and with no comparitve analysis of atrocities, arguments about human sacrifice and killings don't convince me.

    Does anyone know anything else about this?

  3. In addition to your comment Mr Latham, i do know something about the guy of the house of terror,(mainly because i enjoyed so much reading Dracula, that i started looking for info). As i was saying, that man is not really Count Dracula, mainly because it hasn't been proved that a real Dracula existed. that man is Vlad Tepes, he was a king that lived over the 15th century, and that was known for his extreme patriotism and for his sense of justice, he tortured over 60,000 people(rapist, murderers...) and he was extremely sadist, he enjoyed drinking a cup of the blood of the person who he had killed.

    if you want more information, you can look for him in this page:

    As a response to the question of:"which side..." in my opinion, Halloween is a non religious party(that for sure), but i don't agree that the christians can't celebrate it, and that is opposed to their religion, i think that's nonsense. I don't think people sacrificed animals or human beings for protection...

  4. I was really suprised with the videos that Julian has put in the blog.In addition I was astonished when in the second video they mentioned that Count Dracula did really exist and other facts like what druids did with the animals to celebrate this festive.As I see Suri has discovered that this man wasn't Dracula but Vlad Tepes,a king who lived over the 15th century.
    I believe that Halloween is a religious party,that can celebrated if you are christian or if you are not.As Enric said this celebration is like christmas for the americans but for people from europe this is considered like another festive.

  5. I really liked trhe videos posted by Julian because it shows the real origin of Halloween and not many people know it.
    Personally I don't celebrate Halloween because I find it a non-religious festival in which people fell attracted to demons or to the dead. It could be interpretated as a lack of respect to the dead people. It is very interesting how people nowadays have forgotten their spirit of sacrifice and only care about having fun, they don't even care about the real sense of this festival and they still don't notice (volontary or involontary) they are worshiping another religion. Therefore I strongly believe that people who are Christian and really believe in God should not celebrate Halloween, because Halloween doesn't exist in the Christian religion and they are affending God.
    However, I think that in society people should be able to celebrate whichever festival they want, and the Christian moral should not be imposed on any individual, so people are free to do what they want.

    Juan Ventosa

  6. my opinion about halloween is that is just to have fun . I think ok all the religious festivals and halloween is the one I enjoy most. halloween should be celebrated even though its history it doesn´t make any sense those fear stories were told from father to son only to scare the child.
    In addition children have fun during halloween the get sweets just by knocking pn doors what is the big deal!!
    As some other people might say halloween is for other cultures celebrated as the day of the dead that doesn´t mean that we cannot celebrate it or not???

  7. I wasn't aware of where halloween came from. I never really searched for its origins but just saw it as a tradition where kids got to dress up in scary costumes and go trick or treating for candy. Now that i know more about the celebration i still don't think that we should stop celebrating because i don't think many people see it as something related to religion but instead as a fun time when families and friends get together and have fun. Plus, if you look at it from another point of view, it can also be seen as a time when you get to know more people from your neighbor hood because you will all be trick or treating or handing out candy in the same area.

    Flor T.

  8. I don't see any problem at all in celebrating Halloween. I mean, Why shouldn't we?
    I'm a european Catholic Christian and for me (and all the european Catholic Christians) this American celebration doesn't symbolise anything, however, it's a celebration which moves a lot of money and that's mainly why it has arrived to our culture.
    Going back to what I was saying, for me, Halloween doesn't mean anything, but if people find it a way of having fun without doing any harm to anybody, why should we criticise it?

    Mario Romeo

  9. I'm with Mario.

    I am not religious AT ALL, but I think celebrating Halloween doesn't mean offending God or anything related to it. You could just be having fun for one day, dress up as a monster and have a good time.
    Or... does religion force you to celebrate days JUST related to religion? Can't you have the "day against cancer", or the "birthday"? I personally don't know, that's why I'm asking

  10. As usual, I have to say that to me, as to many other people, halloween means nothing else but dressing up and having fun once a year. We should stop paying so much attention to what things like this really mean and try to enjoy ourselves.

    It is true that some people do think celebrating Halloween is ofending God and so on, however, in my opinion it is not exactly true because the great majority of people who do this are not aware of its origins and what it really means, they only want to enjor themselves.

    Therefore, everyone should try to cope with what others think. I do respect that some people don't feel like it's the correct thing to do, but then don't celebrate it.

    The ones of us who do celebrate it have to cope with people who are not okay with doing so, right? Then why can't they understand that we like celebrating such things and 'ignore' this festivity? Either way, whoever doesn't agree will never be able to stop the whole world from celebrating it, so in a way, 'ignoring' the festivity is the only thing they can do.

    Carla Galcerán


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