Tuesday 9 November 2010

How about if we show him some manners?

A friend of mine showed me a video last year (the one below) of a man who got dressed like a kangaroo and started to create chaos in the places he passed through. At first sight I laughed and laughed thinking it was funny, and I still think it is. After some time I reflected and thought about that. If you stop and think of how much damage this man produces to society it's disgraceful. This man is fined each time but his fans pay him his fines. If we all now do as he does in Barcelona the city would be a chaos and nobody could live peacefully; there would always be a silly person who ruins whatever you're doing or bothers you without any reason.

You'll probably have laughed at this video, but think about it!

  • Should they fine him in greater amounts?
  • Could the government or police threat him with prison?
  • Is there another way of entertaining your fans without harming others?


  1. you must be kidding!!!

    He is hilarious, i do understand, that it might be a bit offensive, or even a bit exaggerated, but you can't really tell me that it isn't funny, i mean would you get mad if this guy stole your drink, i wouldn't personally because if a man that is dressed like a kangaroo comes and steals my drink, the first thing i would be is shocked, but not angry.

    in my opinion, we should start to laugh about ourselves and about situations, that are not really important, because if not life will be a horrible place.

  2. i totally agree with suri, this guy is the funniest person i have seen in a long time, he might be rude or offensive sometimes but he doesn't use violence and what's more, he never hurts anyone, he is so funny i would never stop seeing him.

    i also totally agree with suri in his last phrase, life life in a happy way and it will be much happier, unhappy people want to change the world, happy people just cope with what there is.

    by the way he actually is allready fined a lot of money and has been in jail two or three time, but he doesn't care he just wants to make people have fun.


  3. I do agree with Adrià and Suri about the fact that most of the things on that video are quite acceptable and funny . It is a different type of humor , eventough i do also understand that this guy gets fined constantly.

    It is true that maybe he should try to avoid certain type of actions in which he hurts other people , but you cannot say this guy isent funny. You cannot live thinking noone will never hurt you or laugh at you .
    I dont think this man's intention is to hurt people ,just laugh about things which are unusual and share them with his fans.

    Hector Marlet Gomez

  4. I totally disaagree with you guys. I think what this man does is a disgrace. Alright, it's true some things he does can be funny, they are for me, but there are other things which simply pass the limits, like what he does to that man playing golf.
    He can really hurt people by doing this unpleasant jokes and that can have negative consequences.
    I think he should be fined with more money, like this his fans would not want to pay his fines for him and yes, I think this man should go to prison, to at least be taught some manners and how to behave in a modern society like ours.

    Mario Romeo

  5. Enric Bertran:
    I think that Remi Gaillard is not doing legal things , for lots of people his actions look funny but for others is not beneficial, for example for police because they might feel uncomfortable by arresting him because the only thing he wants to do is provoke everybody's laugh. I think that they have to say to Remi Gaillard is that he has to control himself by trying not to do bad thing against some people
    Finally I would like to say that Remi Gaillard is one of the most funniest and maddest people in all this world.

  6. Im very impressed!
    This guy is very mirthful because he does corky jokes that are unexpected and this is the kind of videos people want to look at.
    On the other hand, this guy is deplorable because the first think he should do is sit and think about what he is going to do and then act and after think about the consequences.
    However, I like this kind of humor because its very risible and peaculiar but I also think that he has to be suficiently mature at not disturbing people. In other words, he can do this type of jokes put without envolving other people in it because this people would get angry.
    In conclusion, I´ve not wasted my time at looking at this video because it maked me laugh and laughing is always good. Althought the video its amusing, I think this gut should learn some manners.

    Santi NG

  7. Berta Reventós Meseguer6 December 2010 at 14:47

    NOT funny. Who does he think he is? If I came across him and he played a joke on me, I would seriously get very angry and would find it pathetic.

    Lately it's become very popular to do jokes in the street with a hidden camera, and sometimes they are funny, but you have to be very careful, because it's easy that people get bothered, and it's understandable. For example, I have seen many Jackass jokes and some are funny, some are disgusting, but at least the majority of the times they keep it to themselves.

    I love the programme "Just for laughs" where they play jokes on people in the street, but they never get cross because they are not bothering. Check out some videos on Youtube, it's really funny.


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