Sunday 20 January 2013

"Human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech" (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Since Catalonia’s elections I have been hearing many politicians talking about how undemocratic a self-determination referendum is. I have heard people like Vargas Llosa talking about Catalonia as if it were a colony of the Spanish Empire; José Maria Aznar treating the vast majority of Catalan citizens like dirt. I’ve also heard Joaquin Leguina, Madrid’s ex-president, saying that a referendum is not only illegal but undemocratic. Since when does the freedom to decide go against democratic principles? Not to mention the association of former militants who have threatened to take up arms if the aforementioned referendum takes place.
DE-MO-CRA-CY! For god’s sake! This isn’t a dictatorship anymore. It’s been a long time since Franco died! Catalonia’s people should have the right to vote, to decide!

Do you think a non-binding referendum should be held in Catalonia?
Ps: this post is not about whether you believe Catalonia should be independent, but about a nation’s right to decide, to speak… By the way, sorry for being so biased, but this situation really pisses me off!

1 comment:

  1. The referendum should be held, if the rules of democracy are respected. The national sovereignty in Spain resides in all the citizens of Spain, not only in Catalans. If the courts of the Spanish state accept this referendum then it should take place, if not, it shouldn´t. If it takes place without the permission of the Spanish state then it´s an attack against democracy. Democracy is about following the rules. If the rules of democracy are despised then no one has the right to express or decide, as you'll know it’s not democratic. The Spanish constitution is no document to which to laugh at. So concluding, it should be held only with the consensus of the courts. As you´ve been biased, I’ll also be it. It's quite dared to speak about great personalities such as Mario Vargas Llosa in that way. I think you're personal interpretation is misleading. Besides, hate exists here and there .So, allow me to say that, to speak about democracy, you should learn about the rules of it and what is permitted or not. Yes to the referendum if they follow the rules, not if they don`t follow them. Isn’t it logical?


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Thanks a lot.