Monday, 21 January 2013


F.C.Barcelona looses a league match twenty matches later. This Saturday 19th, Barcelona went to Anoeta, Real Sociedad’s stadium, and lost for 3-2.

The best team in the world finally looses a match that sincerely they could have won easily. They were wining in the first-half of the match. But on the second half everuthing went wrong and the match went out of their hands. An expulison of Pique motivated Real's players.
They were doing it perfectly in the League, they had only drawn against Madrid.
I personally prefer that we’ve lost against Real Sociedad than with any other team, because I really like Real Sociedad as a team, and I'm glad that if somebody could beat Barça, that team is Real SociedadIt’s the second match that they don’t win consecutively. On Tuesday there was the draw against Malaga and now they lose against Real Sociedad. Despite being the best team of all and with the best players in Europe, people are starting to think that this is the end of F.C.Barcelona stars. I really think that it's simply been a question of two bad matches, and that we'll start to win again next week.

Do you think as me?

Do you think this is the end for Barça?
Will he pass against Malaga?

Do you prefer that Barça looses against Real Sociedad, or against any other team?


  1. I agree partly with what you have said Marc. Barça is beating records and is number one position in the scoreboards, they are out of bounds for any team in the world the fact that they have had two bad days where concentration and motivation lacked does not mean we have to exaggerate and say the end of the “Barça era” is going to stop as it is not true, they are second to none both in scores and values-wise. On the other hand there is something in which our opinions differ as I think Barça should lose against Atletico De Madrid the team which follows him in the score boards as that would make la liga much more interesting, although this will not happen as football club Barcelona is a team that likes to prepare really well the matches that they consider decisive.

  2. You’ve got a pint there Hugo, this year the Spanish league isn’t as interesting as normal; Madrid is gone down a lot, and our first rival in the classification table, Atletico de Madrid, is huge years behind of us.
    You have explained that Barça should let win by Atletico de Madrid to make the League a bit more interesting, but if one thing isn’t football is a show. If football started to make “illegal” things to make it more interesting, the magic that football have will disappear. And would only be a program more like “La Noria” or “Corazón Corazón”.
    I know that this year the Spanish league is not as usual, but this is the magic of football. Sometimes teams are better and other times other are better, but I really think that if football starts being a show, lots of people will start to watch other things.

  3. Jordi Mora Esteve18 February 2013 at 22:14

    Once again Marc, a great post, which entwines interests, we both share. Ladies and gentleman, is there something better than football? Barcelona Football Club puts together all the different values and ideologies people should follow. Not only they’ve won every single competition there exists but they’ve managed to be regular and forget about all those materialistic things common football players usually get involved with, acting egoistically and with a lack of respect towards their supporters, why not…like Cristiano Ronaldo and company!
    I certainly agree with your statement as sometimes the Spanish league presents a lack of competitiveness. Nevertheless, as this domination of Barcelona on “La Liga” is created by their superiority in world soccer and not by other teams being uncompetitive, I continue to think those 19 teams should be respected and understood, translated on watching their games and giving them support.
    About what the Malaga game is concerned, It is certainly very difficult to predict the final score. The Andalusians have been playing at a top level this season, both in Spain and Europe. And I have no doubt that if the Catalans had to finally loose a game it had to be against the Basques. Real Sociedad has a spirit of continue self-determinacy and passion for football that very few teams in our globe can presume of.
    So let me pose you the following question: Is there a major relationship between a team’s budget and their position on “La Liga”?

  4. As Hugo and Jordi said, you are overreacting Marc.
    As you know, I do not follow F.C.Barcelona, and even myself knows that Barça is light years away from any other football club.
    It is true that they have missed two out of fifteen games but if we take a closer look to the scoreboards we can see Barça leading it and there is no doubt they will keep on doing so.
    So my answer to if that was the end of Barça is clearly predictable, Barça plays the best soccer in the world and because of two games they are not going to sink in misery.
    And finally, I do not know which teams best fits in my priorites to be the one losing against Barça since I just do not follow him, so all I can say is that I pray for my team to not lose against Barça.


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