protester in Paris
of thousands of people have rallied in Paris against a new French law allowing
same-sex marriage.
estimate that up to 150,000 people joined marches that converged on the city centre,
but organisers put the figure close to one million.
protest took place under heavy police presence. No violence was reported, although
100 people were arrested as protesters dispersed.
same-sex marriage bill, which also legalises gay adoption, was signed into law
by President Francois Hollande last week, after months of heated debate.
people have been bitterly divided over the issue. On Tuesday, a far-right
historian shot himself dead in Notre Dame Cathedral, leaving messages in which
he denounced gay marriage.
Sunday's protests, demonstrators headed in columns from a number of points
Paris to the Invalides complex.
marchers drove donkeys, one of which bore a placard which read, "I am an
ass. I voted Hollande".
The leader of the UMP
conservative opposition party, Jean-Francois Cope, headed one of the

Do you think gay marriage and adoption should be allowed?
Do you think this decision should depend on who governs in the moment, in this case on Hollande?
What do you think about strikes in order to be heard?
I just can't understand the people who thinks that homosexual people are different from us, they are persons just like us and that's why they must have the same rights as "normal" people. Those people who see the homosexual marriage as an aberration of nature because it goes against what god says, don't understand that they are a normal couple who love each other and they just want to spend their rest of their lives together.In my opinion, this discussion in 21st century shouldn't even exist. It's obviuos that gay marriage and adoption should be allowed, because after being gay or lesbian they are persons and everyone has the same rights, or at least it should be. So it shouldn't even be a law where it says that homosexual marriage and adoption is allowed, because nobody should be against this marriage, but there are some people who is and thats why I agree the power of the government in this situation. They are the ones who have to discuss the "problem" and then take the decision, however after taking this decision they have to hear what homosexual people say and they have to see that a family with two dads or mums can leave perfectly in harmony and his son could also leavy happily without any problems.
ReplyDeleteStrikes are probably the most effective way of being heard by the government, but of couse in the strikes shouldn't be any violence because if it is the only thing that they would achieve is the fact of being hitted by the police. Strikes work when they are well prepared, well organised and you have to make sure what is tha reason of this strike and what would you like to change.
This article summarizes in a concise way the French ideology towards aspects that involve gays. First of all, it mentions that there’s been a strike in order to fight against the allowance of certain rights to gays. Surprisingly enough, the digit number given by the police and the organizers oscillates in 750.000 people. Above all, the important aspect is that many people are against the same-sex bill approved by controversial president Holland.
ReplyDeleteIt is known that the majority of people are in favor of allowing gay marriage and adoption. In spite of knowing this, many some French still remain against this law.
About what my posture is concerned, gays should obviously have the same rights than not gay people. Moreover, the final output of this controversy shouldn’t depend on political characters but on democracy at the instant of the argument. As a result, Hollande shouldn´t be the one who decides this and the controversy should be resolved in a official questionnaire.
Once again, strikes have proved their effectiveness as this article is present on multiple sources of actuality information.
There is no doubt that people everywhere deserve the same rights even though they have different traditions, cultures and ways of living. Gay or lesbian relationships are already a reality whether the government chooses to acknowledge it or not, so why be against it? They are people like everyone else, and no matter how conservative humans are with ideas of what a relationship should be like, they have the obligation to treat homosexuals with kindness and generosity; in the end, we are all the same.
ReplyDeleteAs Elena previously said, we are now in the 21st century and from my point of view, people should be smart enough to understand that gay-marriage and adoption don’t have almost any negative effect on heterosexual communities. This can be compared with the racial integration in the 60´s, which as well didn’t have a negative impact on white communities. Also, gay-marriage is illegal due to the idea that it is not allowed in religion, but what does the government has to do with the church? Homosexuals only want to have a normal life like everyone else and they should keep fighting for the rights they deserve.
Homosexual adoption also benefits children around the world, giving them a place to live and a family to love them. In the United States, there are more than 500.000 children without a home and by legalizing gay-adoption, their lives would completely change. Hollande is a smart president, he understands the benefits homosexual marriage and adoption can give to France and supports equal rights in the entire country. The thousands of people that protested in the center of Paris against gay-marriage are definitely people with no empathy and full of immorality, hopefully in a few years it will be accepted in the whole world.