Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Los Angles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant was, over one month ago, diagnosed with a severe injury in his ligament that has left him "out of the game" for the rest of the season.
Kobe was first injured against New Jersey when he dislocated his finger but he thought it was not "that bad" as he said. Later in the next game against Minnesota, Kobe knew that he could not continue and that something wrong was going on.
After the doctor's diagnosis, Kobe's fears became true. He had broken his ligament and that meant that the Lakers had to figure out a new way to play just two games away from the play off's.
From my point of view , this is now irrelevant. There is no doubt that the Lakers are going to be in the play off's, but, what worries not only Los Angeles Lakers itself but hundreds of fans is if Kobe Bryant, at the age of 34, and being one of the NBA's best all star players of all times, is going to leave the Staples center for ever.
Do you think this is the end of Kobe Bryant?
I can’t believe it!!!
We’ve been waiting
from the very first moment that winter started for summer, which was our only
objective. We kept on studying, every day, every week, because we knew that at
the end of the course we would have our reward, but now, everything has turned
out into nothing.
With this video we can see a man explaining the same as me.
Unfortunately, this summer is going to be the coldest summer, and we have never
lived this situation before, at least 200 years ago; most of us are quite
shocked about it. However, the next summer may be cold and may have much more disadvantages
than the last year, but this doesn’t have to stop us from having fun and from
living a wonderful summer, as we always have done.
So, why do you think this has occurred? Don’t complain too much, because
it’s totally our fault!! Humans are just doing bad things to the planet Earth,
whether contaminating or much more other things, that bit by bit are creating a
series of negative consequences like for example the situation that will be
given this summer, and when a long time passes, these consequences will be
getting each time worse and worse.
In conclusion, I would like to recommend everybody to worry much more about our planet
even though it might seem a waste of time or a too difficult activity, it’s very important and it's worth it!
Football Regulation
Barça agreed to pay 54 million Euros to Neymar’s contract
holders. He is one of the best players according to many critics; some even say
that he is so good that it’s not a sensible idea to him to join the Spanish
team as "two roosters in a pen" won’t work (referring to Messi)
Moving on, the millionaire contract has
reopened the debate on whether it is ethical to pay such extraordinary quantities
for a single person. Despite he is an awesome player, many people agree that it’s
totally unnecessary and it doesn’t worth it. They aren’t talking specifically
about Neymar’s contract but in general.
During the last 10 years, the main teams as
FC Barcelona or Real Madrid have spent an awful quantity of money for their
actual stars. Real Madrid’s case it’s very simple to see; Cristiano Ronaldo “just”
cost 96 million Euros, becoming the most expensive player ever.
Also, both teams have enormous debts; which
enlarge each year, that go over 500 million Euros.
Actually, many people are complaining about
the moral, or better the lack of moral, of these decisions. Whilst the crisis
is getting worse, millions of people are unemployed, there are evictions etc,
football teams all around the world; not just Spanish ones, seem to have no
problem when spending money and don’t seem to care whether this money could
have a better use as helping people.
Do you think there should be restrictions
for football teams?
What do you think about these the morality
of these decisions?
Monday, 27 May 2013
India jail-born man bails mother after 19 years
Nineteen years ago, Kanhaiya's mother, Vijai
Kumari, was convicted of murder - wrongfully, she claimed.
She was granted bail on appeal but she did not have
the 10,000 rupees ($180; £119) she needed to post bail. Her husband abandoned
her and no-one else came forward to help her.
"I thought I'd die in prison," she says.
"They told me in there that no-one ever gets out."
She was pregnant when she went to jail. Four months
later, Kanhaiya was born.
"I sent him away when he got a bit older. It was
hard but I was determined. Prison is no place for a young child," she
So she stayed in prison all these years, lost in the
system and forgotten.
All she had to keep her going was a passport-size
photograph of her son and his visits to her every three months.
'Think of her and cry'
Kanhaiya spent most of his childhood growing up at
various juvenile homes. And he never forgot his mother.
"I would think of her and cry," he says,
speaking softly and with a lisp.
"She was in prison, all alone. No-one else ever
visited her. And my father turned his back on her."

"Someone told me about him. He was surprised to
hear about my mother's case."
The lawyer took on his case and earlier this month, his
mother was freed from prison.
Judges expressed their shock at her situation and the
"callous and careless" behaviour of the authorities.
They have now ordered a sweep of all the prisons in
the state to see if there are others like Vijai Kumari (estimated 300,00
inmates - 70% waiting to face trial)
What do you think of this clear unfair treatment between social classes?
What do you think about the son's effort to gather money for his mother's bail?
Terrorism for dessert
During these past months, Islamic terrorism has been the obscure protagonist of many newspapers. While some claim that terrorism is nowadays the first-world's main problem, others argue that excessively biased press coverage will lead to a politically and socially polarised world.
Lee Rigby, a 25-year-old drummer of the
British army, was strolling around his native neighbourhood in South London
when two men, armed with rudimentary kitchen knives, stabbed him to death. His
life ended that day, as so his mother's, father's, families and friends'. His running blood changed the black pavement to crimson that afternoon, holding the
world's breath for a moment.
His killers, moreover, not only did not
leave the corpse behind, but also chose to display themselves in front of an
audacious pedestrian's camera to justify their heinous crimes without showing a trace
of repentance.

This incongruence between actual crime and
media coverage is, seemingly, not applicable to all other offences, ranging
from rapes to domestic abuse. In our modern dipole society, Islam is considered
immiscible with our ethnicity, phenomenon that many occidental governments
eagerly approve and promote. Today, society is shaped like dough by media's strong hands,
which is, of course, an obvious reflection of the regimes wills.
I claim that, in our biased society, we are
able to hoist from the pasturing crowd an instant in order to get a zenith view of our puppeteer-automated
society, to see the trapped stream we are within the hands of giants who crowned themselves kings of our world.
Our brave new world.
A Chinese schizophrenic has been 11 years locked up in a cage by his family
A mentally ill Chinese, called Wu Yuanhong has
been in a cage for 11 years , since her family 'punished' him for having beaten
to death a teenager.
He has spent more than a decade whith his
ankles tied up to a chain, he doesn’t even wear trousers and in his cage he
spends most of this time seaten.
Mr. Wu was diagnosed with schizophrenia when
he was 15. In 2001 he hit a 13 year old boy to death and was arrested by the
However, the following year the police in the
province of Jiangxi (southeast of the country) released him because, due to his
illness, Wu was not responsible for his actions.
When the people of their village knew that he
was returning they were scared. Therefore, his mother built a first cage from
which he escaped, then his family build another cage but this one much more
solid. The argument of his mother about this was :"My son can be a very
dangerous man because of his mental illness, and may beat someone to death as
he already did”
Also another reason why his mother take this
decision is because on China many mental patients do not receive adequate
treatment in due to lack of
resources and qualified personnel, especially in rural areas. So she hadn’t got
any choice...or yes?
What do you think about this?
What would yo do if you wear his mum?
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Future technology
An ambitious firm has revealed their plans for a new type of personal air transport vehicle that takes off and lands like a helicopter. Will the idea fly?
Many of us have wished for a personal flying machine to lift us out of infuriating traffic jams and deposit us on our driveways. With recent advances in materials, power sources, and automation, those dreams may become reality more quickly than many of us realise. Earlier this month, US aerospace start-up Terrafugia unveiled the TF-X, a concept design for a radical new type of personal air transport vehicle.
Terrafugia is just one of a number of companies proposing personal aviation and it has been taking orders for an earlier design – the Transition, a road-legal aeroplane with foldable wings – for several years. The TF-X design is more futuristic, but is more likely to provide what most of us dream of when we think of flying cars.
One of its main selling points is the ability to take off and land vertically like a helicopter. In car mode, the plug-in hybrid can rely on its electric motors and battery packs. For lift-off it needs extra power from its hydrocarbon combustion engine. Folded winglets are extended. Two huge motor pods on either side of the vehicle are pointed vertically up, and the propellers provide lift. Each pod has 16 independent electric motors, with its own controller and battery pack, meaning a failure is not catastrophic.
The TF-X has a maximum speed of 200 miles per hour and a proposed range of 500 miles.
Carl Dietrich acknowledges the concept is a long way from becoming airborne, but he says discussing the idea early is a way to shorten the time it will take to make it a reality, which he currently estimates as between eight and 12 years.
Reservations are being taken for the TF-X, although its price tag has not yet been revealed. It's a fair bet that it'll cost more than the quoted $279,000 that the Transition will set customers back by.
“If you could levitate just some of these cars, fly them through the air and deposit them somewhere else, you could remove some of the major road congestion,”Dietrich says. “Just removing 10% or 15% of the cars would help it all flow again.”

What do you think about this new concept of a car?
Is technology going so far that primitive cars will be soon forgotten? Is this correct?
Is technology going so far that primitive cars will be soon forgotten? Is this correct?
protester in Paris
of thousands of people have rallied in Paris against a new French law allowing
same-sex marriage.
estimate that up to 150,000 people joined marches that converged on the city centre,
but organisers put the figure close to one million.
protest took place under heavy police presence. No violence was reported, although
100 people were arrested as protesters dispersed.
same-sex marriage bill, which also legalises gay adoption, was signed into law
by President Francois Hollande last week, after months of heated debate.
people have been bitterly divided over the issue. On Tuesday, a far-right
historian shot himself dead in Notre Dame Cathedral, leaving messages in which
he denounced gay marriage.
Sunday's protests, demonstrators headed in columns from a number of points
Paris to the Invalides complex.
marchers drove donkeys, one of which bore a placard which read, "I am an
ass. I voted Hollande".
The leader of the UMP
conservative opposition party, Jean-Francois Cope, headed one of the

Do you think gay marriage and adoption should be allowed?
Do you think this decision should depend on who governs in the moment, in this case on Hollande?
What do you think about strikes in order to be heard?
Monday, 20 May 2013
Surprise in the Bus!
A camera onboard a bus in the USA captured the exact moment a deer crashed through the front window, shattering the glass, before picking itself up and trying to get back on the road again.
The bus driver was making its usual journey through the Johnstown area on Pennsylvania when a dramatic accident happened. A deer crashed through the windscreen of a moving bus and erratically hopped around inside it for a few minutes before being capable of stepping off.
Transport authorities assure that after the shocked driver realized what was happening he immediately opened the doors of the bus and waited for the apparently uninjured but surely confused deer to jump out.
Luckily only one passenger was found in the precise moment of the accident. Although the animal jumped and ran in circles, the passenger was seated at the back, far from the intruder.
Moreover, neither he nor the driver found themselves hurt at any moment and they stated it “just walked off the bus”. Reporters were told hours later the vehicle was taken to a maintenance garage.
Would you expect something like this to happen?
Would you laugh or be scared if you were in this situation?
Angelina Jolie is thinking about getting her ovaries removed

A few weeks ago Jolie surprised the world with her astonishing public declarations where she informed she is carrier of BRCA1, a gene which dramatically increases the risk of suffering breast and ovarian cancer. After the complicated operation, her high chances of an exorbitant 87% of developing this type of cancer, reduced to only 5%.
Would you be able to make a decision like this?
What would you do if you had to deal with this situation?

Knowing this, would you have undergone such operation?
Do you think this is a brave decision taking into account her social status?
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Together, we can remake A&F.
Probably all of you have heard or worn the Abercrombie
and Fitch brand. But do you know everything behind it? Thanks to social
networks, a YouTube video has been able to revolutionize the mark.
The CEO of the company takes a firm stand on hiring
only attractive people. Moreover, he has proudly refused to make extra large
clothing because he doesn’t want fat people to wear his brand. Do you think
this is acceptable? Does he really have the right to discriminate people this
In addition he has openly declared "In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and lots of friends. A lot of people don't belong, and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely."
So Greg Karber, an apparently normal American citizen, decided it was time to stand up and make a change. Mr. Karber bought A&F donated clothing in second-hand shops, and drove to the poorest and more marginalized neighborhoods of Los Angeles. There he handed out all he was able to collect to the homeless, and started turning around Abercrombie and Fitch. What do you think about this idea? Would you have ever thought of something like this?
If you want to make a change help him by making the whole world know what he is doingand collaborate yourself in the project, together we will #FithcTheHomeless. Are you joining him?
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