Sunday 17 February 2013

It’s time to stop it.

The non-governmental environmental organisation, Greenpeace, one of the most famous organisations fot the protection of the enviroment known world-wide, has been protesting in Noth Korea againts the use of nuclear wepons.

Lately, tests with nuclear wepons have been taken by North Koreans in the undergrounds of the city. The organisation got concerned by this and decided to act againts this by protesting in a pacific way. Isn't it time to end the nuclear weapon age? The use, development and testing of this weapons means a risk to world peace and to human existence of any kind.

North Korea declared its test had "greater exploisive force" than its previous tests. 

The suspicions were not only confirmed, furthermore, after studying the situation experts affirmed the practice not only supposed a risk for Korean's health, but if anything was to go wrong, this technology threatened even the faraway US a s a long-range missile could hit it's coast.

Are we supposed to ignore this? Experts nowadays aren't sure of how many nuclear weapons are spread globally, it is said the numbers go from 4,300 to 17,300. We should be destroying and stopping the development of nuclear archery. Remember a thing: War is Costly, Peace is Priceless 

1 comment:

  1. It's high time we ended with all this nonsense of threatening. It’s just not the path to be followed by humanity. Modern 21st century leaders should definitely not accept this. It is we, citizens, which are exposed to the danger of a nuclear war coming. Besides, this war would mean the end of our planet, or at least as we know it. We aspire to a better than this one proposed by this ones who intend to “rule” it. However, if I keep my feet on the ground, I really find it difficult to end up with all this. I would like to believe in a world were war would lack, but I just find it pretty much unrealistic. While it is citizenship serving politicians and not there other way round, and while there are governments that don’t respect the human rights, and by this I do not only refer to dictatorships, the world will continue being assumed in the struggles found nowadays. Important revolutions throughout the history of mankind have always ended up with wars, but, have we gone beyond the line? Surely this is an issue to think about or to philosophize about it. My opinion is that we should all get over our differences and our problems and work all together to reach magnificent goals never reached. By the way, make no mistakes, I do not believe in utopias.


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