This May 27th has been a memorable day for those demonstrators at Plaza Catalunya who were protesting against the "false democracy" we have in our country. This morning the "mossos d'esquadra" came and forced the demonstrators to leave. People didn't want to leave, and the "mossos" told they had to clean up the area because it hadn't been cleaned up since the demonstration started two weeks ago. Many of them have resisted, so the "mossos" had to use violence. A ruffle started and became a fight between the "mossos" and the demonstrators, ending up with 121 injured, 37 of which were "mossos".

Is this the way "Mossos d'esquadra" had to act?
Are demonstrators demonstrating in a correct way? Is there another way of demonstrating against our democracy?
Who's fault is this?
How can we solve this problem?
Here you have a video of what happened:
xR16rmY (copypaste it)
Honestly, i find this completely intolerable, and also it should be punished. From my point of view, this is a very good example to show how the police forces make use of their power to show how powerful they are, it is completely insane.
ReplyDeleteI was talking before to Gonzalo Marjalizo (Marcho), and he told me that he had been there during the dispute, and that the police forces surrounded all the people and started shooting PVC balls without any previous provocation, and that they even provoked the people to cause a reaction so they could have an alibi to beat the people. He also told me that it was brutal, that a friend of him had been shot on the face, and that they had to take him immediately to the hospital because he fell unconscious.
I have no words to describe this brutality, basically because there are no words to describe such purpose. It is also useless to blame capitalism or to blame the government or even the economical crisis, this is an action that has no excuse and no precedences. It's like in hitlerian times, when the" Wafen SS" beated up people for the mere fact of walking down the street at late hours, pure and simple brutality.
But what can we do, if people goes out to protest they will beat them to death, and if we stay, politics will not see that they are doing something wrong, so if you think it it's a cycle.
As Durruti said:
"No government fights fascism to destroy it. When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their privileges."
Sorry there is a tipe-o It should be: If people go out.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I would like to say that the majority of this demonstrators don't even know why they are manifesting as they are uninformed. I have read the reasons and the arguments (on facebook) about why they are manifesting and I agree with some of their complains, although they say some statments such as ''our money it's not for the banker'' which are not true. I'm afraid this isn't like this so I would tell them to get well informed before saying nonsense.
ReplyDeleteRespect their way of manifesting I would say firstly that they are doing it in an illegal way, as it isn't allowed to camp on the street. I've seen images from Plaza Catalunya and it was really disgusting the way they have leaved the square, it was full of rubbish and it was unsanitary. I don't want to imagine the couple of days they had been there without getting a shower...
Finally, I have to admite that the way that the ''mossos d'esquadra'' have made them go away from the square it has been quite violent, but I asume that's the only way they can do it as they wouldn't go from the beginning. I have to say that this way of manifesting it's a disrespectful way of doing it as they are bothering the citiziens and the tourists.
Suri, I'm sorry but I must say you have been really exaggerated. What you have said about ''if people goes out to protest they will beat them to death'' I'm afraid that's not true and you should know it.
ReplyDeleteCitiziens have protested a hundred of times on the street, for example, when more than a milion of catalans took the streets to protests against the rejection of the ''estatut'' and nobody was beaten as they manifested in a right way.
The key is knowing how to manifest, and the way they have done it, in my opinion, it's not the appropriate one.
About the ''mossos d'esquadra'' beating everyone today in Plaza Catalunya I also think it's quite an exaggeration, as they don't have any interest in beating people without having any reason, so if they did it was because the demonstrators were resisting to go away, they were breaking the rules.
I don't think you should be arguing about the power thet police men possess, at least in this case, as otherwise, whithout this control, the city would be a mess.
First of all, Anna, I’d like to tell you there is a “slight” difference between these protests and the ones you mentioned (the problem with the Estatut):
ReplyDeleteThe “mossos” don’t do what they want to, or act when they consider they have to. Sometimes, they don’t even act according to the law, but instead when the “conseller d’interior” tells them to. In the demonstration against the decision of changing the “Estatut”, the “mossos” could have acted in a pacific way simply because the politicians told them to. Now you’ll be thinking: “why on Earth should they be interested in kicking those who belong to the 15-M and not those who claim that the “Estatut” is sacred?” Well, bear in mind that when people demonstrated against the changes to the “Estatut”, the “tripartit” governed: one of the parties was ERC (who wants the independence of Catalunya), and the other two (ICV & PSC) are left-winged and catalanists. I see a clear relationship between it, don’t you? If the demonstration is against YOU, you’ll obviously send the police to kick them with the truncheon and throw them balls. However, if the demonstration shares your ideologies, there is no need of the violence.
I know, and in this case I agree with you, that in this case the streets were also dirty, and teeming with anti-systems. I also believe that demonstrations should be more organised and controlled, not like this, which sometimes has been a disaster. Despite this, beating someone just to clean the streets... mmh… I find it difficult to believe. Maybe politicians simply cannot stand that so many people are against their behaviour: not attending the meetings, stealing money, not doing what they promised, etc. Of course we have to look at both sides of the coin, but always trying to be objective. The demonstrators were filthy and disorganised, but so are politicians very often.
To conclude, I have to say that we need some changes in our democracy. It is clearly not working, and we can all see its consequences. Democracy was invented to prevent people from having too much power, and I’m sure there are plenty of people that decide to enter the world of politics just to steal our money and take advantage of their position and their contacts in the world of business. Nevertheless, I believe it’s not Spain the only country that has to change. The world economy doesn’t work well, and global wealth is unequally distributed. We’ve got more than enough evidence to prove that capitalism doesn’t work properly, so perhaps it’s time for the first world leaders to make a drastic change...
Miguel Pérez Sanchis
First of all I agree with Miguel in his point about the "tripartit" and how they permited demonstrations suporting the "estatut" and why the "Generalitat" doesn't like this demonstration because they aren't winning anything with this, totally the opposite they are losing credibility.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion this people shouldn't be demonstrating as they are doing. The demonstration should be civilized and not occupying Plaza Catalunya, a tourist place. This gives Barcelona an apalling image with all those careless people who are protesting there. I believe it is OK to be demonstrating against something, but what really pisses me off is that this people don't even have a shower! Maybe the "Mossos de esquadra" could have shower them with a hose instead of hiting them. I was very deceptioned when I saw this images of violence. I believe there are much more ways of dislodging this people out of there than by hiting and even torturing them.
To conclude, I would like to say that we have disastrous politics who don't care about us, and they only want money for living. They lie to us, they manipulate us, they even steal our money! It is indignant! Politics should be clever people, but I'm afraid that intelligent people don't want to get themselves into politics so that's why we live in this incompetent country.
Julián Iturbe
The demonstration for the ''estatut'' was just an example of how you can protest for something you don't agree with in an organised way, without creating the caos of the center of the city for weeks, so I wouldn't give so much importance to this one in particular as it was just an example of hundreds, as a lot of demonstrators paricipated.
ReplyDeleteAlso I have to say that if politicians had wanted, they could have send beaten these demonstrators from the first day they protested as it's not allowed to camp on the streets, instead they have waited two weeks until they couldn't waited more as the square was a pigsty.
To conclude, I would like to say that not only they have permitted them staying camping there but they have put fences around their camping so the ''boixos nois'' and other Barça supporters don't 'bother' them and to avoid fights between them, so I think they are treating them quite well despite their rebellious behavior.
I find that the two actions, both of Mossos and the demonstrators, completely unacceptable. First, the demonstrators should have left Plaza Catalunya when they were told and have left it tidied up as it is a public square to the use of everyone. Not only this but also bearing in mind the fact that Barça could win, the amount of people there would have been even dangerous! They had butane cylinders, camping-gas, flares, etc which could have lead to a dangerous situation. We know Mossos are known for their violent acts and it is true this has to be cut-down but it is the consequence of taking out the Guardia Civil which at least have a half-brain.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think there are many ways of protesting towards politics and that one may be this one, but when told to leave, that’s it! I mean, they cannot stay forever there in Plaza Catalunya, it’s not the way the world works! Now, they should take other ways to protest against the “false democracy” we have here in Spain. I also think they are right in some ways but this is not the way of doing things… Also, many people there called “perroflautas” by others were there just because it’s their way of living… they don’t even know why they are there… Exactly like some squatters, who have a wonderful home but are “rebels” and live against the system… rats! Many of these demonstrators where just people with no brain, drugged and anti-systems… This type of complaints should be done through politics (there are ways) or doing theme this way but in a more organized way, obviously.
It is true that before, the “tripartit” permitted other demonstrators to campaign there against certain things but, what can we say? Look at their party colours, ideology, etc…
To conclude, I am totally against nearly all politicians, not nowadays' but always'. If power gets in a person's mind, then that's it, lost! There has to be a solution but not with the type of society we have now...
I think that violence is not the solution, but it´s true that this people that are protesting against the “false democracy” have no right in occupying Plaza Catalunya, because it´s a public space. It´s like if I bring together more than 30 people and we go to Francecsc Macià and camp there. It would be intolerable. So, people think that what “mossos” did is intolerable, but think it one moment, of course what they did is awful but what the camping people did is also a thing that can’t be permitted and if they don’t go, violence is the unique solution left, but as I said before, violence doesn’t solution anything because now, things would get worst because if the intervention of the “mossos d´esquadra”.
ReplyDeleteHowever, tolerable or not, what it´s obvious is that the fault of this situation is of the Government we have. I suppose that they are trying very hardly in how to solution this problem because if it goes to more, it would be a pitched battle.
In my opinion, the solution is to dialogue, but is would be difficult because the camp people may not know how to do it because the majority of them are occupies or people that haven´t studied and they pretend getting a job by doing a manifestation. So, I would try to dialogue with them, and if it´s not possible, threating them would be the solution.
Santi NG
should we tolerate this? NO
ReplyDeletedo we need to show these demonstrators more support as they are speaking up for youth and making a valid point? YES
are the demonstrators undesirables? some might be but they are inspiring a whole movement in europe and they are defending what they believe in so who really cares if they get a plaza dirty. also the so called undesirables are the only people brave enough to stand up to the establishment and told them what they think about the injustices of the economic crisis and the government agenda.
are the police right? categorically no, they are pigs and they have shown a complete lack of any knowledge in policing and even common sense and decency. they are a disgrace to Spain or more precisely Catalunya and should be treated as such. any policeman filmed commiting acts of violence should be fired and charged for violent conduct. The police need to understand they are not superior and that they are within the law also. apparently lots of them had taken of there identity plaques so as to not be caught being violent. the main problem is that the police are not respecting the demonstrators and are using violence in a brutal and uneccesary way.
I believe that something needs to be done and I admire the fact that these people are out there doing something about it. they are an inspiration to all of europes youth and I am surprised many people on this blog seem to value a clean plaza more highly than a fairer democarcy.they should be applauded not lambasted!
finally to finish off, I would like to point out that the so called rats as Santi Albiol calls them are people who give up money and riches for what they believe in. it is hard to have money and give it up as you don't agree with your style of life and the system. i think that people who are true to their beliefs are higly honourable and I think that you should respect them a bit more.
I totally agree with you Jack, we have to respect this people. They are certainly not rats but they maybe disturb others like for example Santi or even myself! This people who demonstrate in Plaza Catalunya are annoying others who haven't done anything to them, I understand this is the reason why Santi Albiol calls them rats. They have to look for other solutions to demonstrate in another way because there are many people who are against this "false democracy" but do not accept that way of demonstrating. One of those many people is me and I believe Santi Albiol aswell. Santi's intention wasn't insulting them, I believe he was trying to describe that people and the best synonim for him was the word "rats", nobody likes rats, they only annoy and irritate. I wouldn't like to be disrespectful with this people but I really can't cope with what they are doing. I love my city, Barcelona is wonderful and this people there aren't making my city a suitable place! I really insist on searching other ways of demonstrating please, there is always another way!
ReplyDeleteJulián Iturbe
I certainly believe that demonstrating against your political representatives is a human right, specially if they are not solving the main problem in our society today; economical progress. However, they are many ways of protesting and I assume that these people has not done it in a correct way.
ReplyDeleteWe live in a world in which the main source of life is money, and we all agree that its erroneous administration has brought to Spain 5 million unemployed workers. This is a reasonable excuse to demonstrate against politicians as there are so many people having difficulties to bring up their families. Moreover, there is no political party who gives a solution to decrease this economical deficiency in our country.
Nevertheless, as I said before, there are many different ways of declaring your opposite opinion towards democracy, in this case. I totally agree with Jack about the idea of respecting these demonstrators although they should be some kind of limits established. Bearing in mind that Plaza Catalunya is the centre of Barcelona and the area where the city has more tourist visits, demonstrations should not take more longer than a few ours. Leaving these people sleep there during days, and actually living in camping tents, collapses totally the city provoking a complete chaos. In addition, closing the opportunity to people accessing the square does also reduce the monthly income from the stores and shops al around the neighborhood. So I could say that these demonstrators, who are in their right, are not only causing the disorder of city, but also affecting these poor employees who are loosing their money, which is really needed nowadays, 24 hours a day.
Despite my argument against the way protests are carried on, I would have to say that police is not acting in the right way to maintain the order and to try to vacate these people from public spaces. Violence is not the most appropriate issue to use in this cases, and certainly having in mind that these demonstrators are not in the mood of being hit, so probably they will turn round in the same way. However, police are only obeying an order which comes from a minister ("conseller d'interior"), which is different to the last actions of the "mossos" who used violence just because they thought of doing it. Nevertheless, we all no how this public forces act, and what we can expect from them when being involved in this type situations,
To sum up, I would like to state, that I strongly believe that these people are not demonstrating in the right way, as they are affecting many other people who do not uphold their ideas, or the matter of because they are there. I still agree with Miguel and Jack's argument in many aspects, but adding the few nuances said before. Everyone should sleep at home.
Sorry but I was insulting these people. Many of them although you disagree with it were people who didn't even know what they were fighting against.
ReplyDeleteI obviously agree with the fact that anyone has the right to complain but not forever... Dont't you think, Mr. Roberts, 10 days is sufficient for this type of complaint which has no immediate solution and that cannot be done only by politicians? We, all, have the solution for this problem but if we are sleeping and taking drugs in Plaza Catalunya we won't see it in a short period of time... maybe never!
Mr. Albiol, I totally agree with you in the aspect that the majority of the demonstrators are people who don't even know what they are fighting against and they pretend to find a job when they haven't studied anything in their lives. I'm sure there's a few which are identified with the cause, but all the others are ''perroflautas'' which are camping there beacuse they don't have anything more important to do and as they are against the system.
ReplyDeleteAs I see here in this started dabate there is alot of different opionos on what is happending right now in plaza catalunya.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion theses do not defend anything they sit there asking for "real democracy" the only thing that this peaceful revolution will end up as it did because it isn't governemnts issues to have people protesting against them, so the first thing thay do is clear the situation.
Of course the "mossos d'esquadra" used to much violence they do not act as people they are just like hunter dog they are trained to search to clean and order the situation, it doesn't matter if anyone is hurt.
Firstly only a few of the people illegally camping in plaza Catalunya are there defending the cause, others are there as Anna said because they have nothing else to do. This problem had to be solved by the politicians but the remedy was far worse and that has caused that lot's of people are against the goverment if they are not careful this will end up in chaos, and we are suppossed to be the civilised? Guys a little of common sense the plaza Catalunya had to be cleaned it was full of "shit" i mean both as rubbish and by some people, yes i am being despecive but that is what some people in plaza do NOTHING.
TO CONCLUED, other solutions could have been found by the politicians but in this way they are tring to show to thr demonstrators that if taht happens agains then the same situation will be repeated.
Farewell My fellow companions
Hello to everyone; I am glad someone posted this because it is something I want to express my opinion!
ReplyDeleteOnly now I can appreciate the difficulties of the situation, a couple of years ago I remember watching images like this in not developed countries ten thousand miles from here.
We are now living in an unsustainable way, probably the demonstrators crossed the line nevertheless the authorities shouldn't reply this way, with more violence. I consider that I live in a civilized country that is why I never before have I experienced such decontrol. I understand that the decisions aren't taken by the individual policeman, there is someone above that orders what to do, wouldn't it be more fair to criticize them instead?
The demonstrators are right to protest, in this country the situation is worse than ever, with more than a 20% of unemployment we cannot face the future with optimism; in addition, the competence of the politicians has been called into question more than once. Not only they govern us badly, but also they don't let us pronounce. They sometimes seem more like stand-up comedians than anything else when they go to lose their time in the parliament and miss-respecting each other like small kids.
If people are protesting is because they're fed up because there are no solutions, politicians are urging people to vote, all of them promise things and none of them keeps them. Is there a better way to fight against this? Frankly, I don't know; probably there is but who cares, the objective in my opinion of the protest has been made, to show the indignation of the population towards the system, politicians and their efficiency.
People want to keep a standard o living, in this society that with immigration and mass tourism has become a clash of cultures. This cultural diversity affects the locally-produced goods and small local business because globalization spread us the worldwide products. Moreover, Spain has it very difficult to escape from the crisis because in the past what they did was devaluate the currency to increase exports, with the decision of the European Union to create a joint currency to combat the dollar has invalidated that option.
In our present world a highly acclaimed political decision doesn't exist, what's more I think that lots of politicians are afraid of criticism that is why lots of them avoid proposing things and take sides in an argument.
Nevertheless I believe we need confident decision-taking, we need political parties that cooperate with each other for the good of all and we need the truth, a transparent government so that people feel part of the state and not simply uninformed spectators live in an absolute bewilderment.
I agree a change is difficult but I believe it's not impossible, some say that people change when the situation is so dramatic that we have no option, and we're not far from that. Maybe we should revise the system and make some changes, I'm not an expert but it's obvious that something is being done wrong.
To sum up, I feel partly embarrassed to live in this country and because I live here and it is still my country I want the best for it, for the simple reason that I want the best for me. I can say unequivocally that the situation is dramatic, we need a change. The protests in Plaça Catalunya and in the other main cities of the state are positive because they show people are interested, they know things are not going the right why. The worse thing that the authorities could do is reply with violence because it makes the people angrier, maybe it is positive paradoxically because if people are angrier they will persevere and keep fighting for the urgent change.
I recommend everyone to do what I have done: Use the vocabulary and grammar on the Cutting Edge that will appear on the global exam so that you can practice at the same time as you do the task. This way you would not feel this is a waist of time (which is not anyway) having globals this week.
ReplyDeleteIf you are able or want to, watch this video.
It is unacceptable the way police have acted. The people who have been demonstrating in plaza Catalunya, have no reason to be treated like this. As the video I attached previously shows, police start hitting demonstrators without previous attacks from them, so we can say they are abusing of power and they are not using reasonable arguments in order to hit demonstrators.
What's more, according to the Spanish constitution, you have the right to demonstrate and express yourself freely, which gives a worst image of our policemen.
I do think brutal force is needed sometimes, but according to what I have read, none of the demonstrators showed an aggressive attitude towards policemen; what’s more, they were brutally aggressed by the policemen without showing any kind of intention to defend themselves, denouncing, apart from other things, this unfair an totally unnecessary brutality coming from police.
As far as I am concerned they are demonstrating against this “false democracy” they claim we have here in Spain. I do think they are partly right and that’s mainly why I’m against this act. I would like to remind it is not the first time this has happened which should mean something.
Recently, some syndicates have started to arise a new idea, installing micro cameras onto the “mossos” helmets, so they are able, in further inspections, to prove that their acts where necessary, but not only for this but to show vandals acts.
To conclude I’d like to say none of the acts were necessary, both the demonstration and the police actions were completely unnecessary which shows the tension there is when having problems such as the enormous economical crisis we are into now.
Adrià Mirabet Bonet
Hello everyone, I am coing to expres my opinion of how badly the policeman acted against the manifestation.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading some article in the news and videos I totally go against the atitude which the policemen had. They din't just smack at people but they also beat them which you can clearly see in the videos how people got even driping of blood because the police smacked them with the "metal stick".
In one of the videos you can the a old woman burt into tears when the policemen caught her. Although she din't get hurt she was crying because of what she saw and expirienced that day in plaza catalunya, she showed fear of the police
However, from the point a view of policemen, people had grown a garden which vegtebles which forbidden (illigal) but that and cleaning palaza catalunya is no excuse for the violent reaction police man use against the pacific manifestation.
From my point of view there is one person that has the fault of all this. The man is our Barcelona president which order to the police man the expulsion of the men and woman from the plaza. This man in the catalunya radio said textually "I would do it again if it's necesarry" i personally thing this guy is a fool. There are a lot of ways to put down a manifestation with nor violent nor shooting.
If i was president of Barcelona and i had to finish the pacific manifestation.
Firstly, i would simply ask if they could please move to clean up the plaza catalunya.
Secondly, if there is no response, i would command some fireman with there lorry full of water to wet with the firehose which hurts a little bit to all the manifastation people till the move.
In my way people don`t get smack nor beaten with the "metal stick" which can easily break bone.
To conclued police reaction was wrong. Although they were ordered to do it and they should obey, there is also a moral human part which should stop the policemen from hitting, punching... However something was needed to finish with the manifestation as things were getting out of control with the garden as plaza looked like a camp more than a plaza which should be.
The way policemen act is totally unacceptable and intolerable. As Luis Cañadell these images were and are more common of not-developed countries. However this people may seem a bit disturbing, policemen shouldn't treat them like dirt and hit them without any previous attack or aggression. Nextly,I read that they will introduce a micro camera in a police helmet, to show that these demonstrators attack them and that they aren't as innocent and harmless as they want to seem.
ReplyDeleteDemonstrators, as far as I'm concerned, are against something known as "a false democracy”. I agree to what Luis Cañadell argument that we can't face the future as other countries like Germany or France. We have a 20%of unemployment. We have a group of incompetent politicians. So, why can they protest about this political crap? WHY NOT?
Finding a solution is difficult, complicate...As someone mentioned they should dialogue with them, but it will also be useless as most of this camp people want to get a job by manifesting
jordi soldevila
*** i just readed and there is an error the fault of all is Sr.Puig, not president of Barcelona. ****
The resent events of this 27th of May have led to tragic consequences, 121 injured people. Whose fault is this? The “mossos” or the strikers? There are many different views towards the matter most of which are probably against the “mossos” but probably most of us know that the strikers could have or should have done their manifestation in another way.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that the way the “mossos” acted inhumanly and probably some of them did it against their will as their actions are unjustifiable. They had no right to treat those people like that, the more reasonable thing to do would have been to listen to what they were saying and try to reason with them, not resorting to violence.
As for the protestors, they probably should have done things in another way as their protest is too drastic and some might think that it is illogical as instead of finding a job and helping the local economy they are wasting time with a protest that will not lead to anything. A better way of protesting against our government is yet to be found and if people knew a more calm way of solving our problems they would for sure chose the more serene way than the current manifestation. As earlier said any other way of protesting has proven to be ineffective and only large scale manifestations have proven efficient. Will it work in our country?
In conclusion, the fault lies on the government as it has pushed its citizens to a point in which they do not have any other choice but to protest and instead of reasoning with them the police have brutally beaten them up. Maybe removing this people by force is the easiest solution but at what cost? Even more hatred towards the government.
Ramon Esteba.
i commented before snd said farewell i still think the same as i said before what the politics did was way to over the line deciding to i am Maxi Pfeiffer
ReplyDeleteAs I’ve seen so far there are people in this world that are insane. How can a person order the police to go to Catalunya Square and start hitting the people that are protesting only because “they want to clean the area”?
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I would say that the “Mossos d’Esquadra” acted in this way to show their higher authority. To demonstrate that they are superior to the rest of the society and that they’ve got the power. Also because they were influenced to do it because of Felip Puig (the principal leader of all this revolution in relation with the police forces).
I think that the demonstrators are acting in a pacific way and they are not aggressive to public elements or to other persons. In a conclusion, they have all the right in the universe to do what they are doing and I clearly think that the entire fault is only of one only person Felip Puig.
Finally say that the best solution in this moment is to ask for the resignation of this man and also they could try and control a little bit more the “Mossos d’Esquadra
In my opinion, I think that there are people in this demonstration that actually believe in what they are doing, but I also think that there are people there who have an "okupa" attitude, in other words, that they don't agree or don't care about what the demonstration's about. That's what I think is intolerable in this. That people who don't care a thing about what the demonstration's about, which is serious and should worry us all, as it's our future that is on stake, end up being the image of an entire group of people who are there to show their indignation.
ReplyDeleteI think that the fault of these acts happening, as well as the obvious fault of Mr. Felip Puig, Conseller de l'Interior of Catalunya, with his order of "supposedly", clear the plaza in order of cleaning (Really? Please, were not stupid), is of these people I mentioned before, those who have camouflaged the actual motif.
I wish I knew how to solve this situation, but if millions of people around the country (and it's starting to be around the world) haven't come up with a solution, it means that we still need time to think about it. To think about a solution that tries to reach everyones' interests, a solution that can be a change but not a sudden one, a more gradual and subtile change, but at the same time effective and efficient.
Andrea Roca
First of all I'd like to say that everybody is free to manifestate, meanwhile there's no violence.
ReplyDeleteSince the manifestation started there hasn't been any kind of behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. So why did mossos d'esquadra had to use violence? It's not fair! The people who decided to manifestate was for some reason, wasn't it?
Our contry is in a bad and terrifying situation, leaded by stupid people who don't know how to do things right!
On the one hand, I totally agree with the manifestation as it's time to tell our gobernors what we think in order that they listen to the citizens, and it seems the only way to be heard, and that's sad...
In this case, mossos d'esquadra were the ones who started to use violence, causing injuries to 121 people. It is obvious that mossos d'esquadra were told to do it, so it's not their fault, it's just the goberment's.
On the other hand,I have to admit that it's not the better place to do a manifestation as it is the centre of the city and there's a lot of traffic and buisiness which have had less clients due to this situation. Although that's not as important as the purpose of the manifestation.
In conclusion, our contry, Spain, is still in crises, and it is one of the worse of Europe. That is what has lead us up to that point. I suppose citezens feel as if they are not listened and that the gobernment don't care about them. In my opinion, the people who lead this contry should do something about it as it is getting worse as the days go by.
Finally I wish politicians take it into consideration as well as do something about it leaving aside violence.
Marta Figueras.
i still think that whta the politics did was wrong because it was just a peaceful manifestation i did no harm to anyone only to the politicians iinterest we live in capitalist world where everone looks for their own intereast nobody cares about what the people think.
ReplyDeleteif we lived in harmony with each other it would be a better place to live nothing to worry about no wars.
recently in a local newspapers there was a "mosso d'esquadra" who compared the battering of the manifestators with eating pie in bakery and antoher "mosso" commented that he would have liked to be there hitting the people but he had to watch over in the police department obviously these two policemen have been expelled from their cop duty. These policemen which are obviously hired so they would mantain order instead of that they started hitting people because they wanted to and because "felip puig" had ordered to.
secondly i don't think that these people who are protesting against the politicians messed up the whole plaza Catalunya and when they were asked by the city hall if they could let them clean the plaza they were totally in disaccord.
This situation called for the "mossos d'esquadra" to come in it didn't matter if people were hurt they had to empty the plaza,in one way or another , they took the bad way.
to conclude if anybody wants to complain about goverment issues they get an appointment with the mayor so a legal protest can be made and what happened in plaza catalunya under no consentment of anyone. Not all the people which are attending this manifestation defend the cause some of them are and others are just there because they are "okupas" and other people which only are there because they don't have anything to do, these people do not work or have a proper life so they don't have a opportunity to be there protesting because they do not do anything.
Well, a lot of people have commented in this last post! A lot of things have been said of the situation, and I am with Miguel when he says that if the mossos are acting this way it’s because the government has told them to do so. So, in a way we have to understand them because they are paid for doing their duty, even though they don’t like it or they don’t think in the same way as the catalan government does.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, those people who want to demonstrate against democracy can do it in many other ways rather than establishing a camp in plaça Catalunya. I speak from personal experience, I’ve passed by there in the last few days and it really smells very bad, the noise is unacceptable and there’s no way of going through the centre of the square. They have to understand it’s a public space and it’s free for everyone, they cannot establish themselves just like that. I also form part of the society and therefore can use the public space as I want to, so I should be able to walk as I want to in plaça Catalunya, without being annoyed by the awful noise, the stink and the mob of people who do not let me go through. This is a total lack of respect to other people who also form part of the society.
On the other hand, the way the police has responded is utterly over the top. You cannot hit people like that, just because they’re invading the street. They have to think about other ways to lead the crowd of demonstrators to another place, I’m sure the government can think of other ways to relocate all these people.
In conclusion, I think there’s a lack of respect concerning both sides and that something should be done to get the demonstrators out of Plaça Catalunya and at the same time change the political situation.
Who signed off with a, "Farewell My fellow companions" on 31st May? Was it Maxi? And then again on 1st June at 22:20? While I hope and believe that you are all writing because you have something to say, and not just to get marks, I would still like to reward you for your effort. Please remember to sign off!
ReplyDeleteI'm in total agreement with Laura and Miguel. These people that form part of the "Mossos d'Esquadra" are errands,they are controlled and managed by some weird and corrupted politician who has surprisingly arrived to the higher level of power. These "non sensitive,crazy and mad men",as they have been named recently were just obeying orders from the above.
ReplyDeleteI agree and it's obvious that they acted badly and that the way they tried to remove the "indignats" from Pl.Catalunya was a complete disaster and was everything except democratic and pacific.
When I heard about this event, I didn't believe it. I could believe it had happened in Pl.Catalunya, only 20 minutes away from my house. I couldn't believe this happened in Spain, I was completely flabbergasted.
The "indignaos" of Pl.Catalunya have total freedom to camp there, and if they don't have it,they should because of the political and economical situation. I think democracy is a term that has lost it's value. Greeks democracy was democracy,nowadays all we have is an "oligarquia", where most of the power is sprung out between few people and where the population's needs don't have the importance they should.
To finish with, I would like to add that these 3000 people that are actually living in Pl.Catalunya are very brave, they are the ones that are physically deffending our rights and the ones that hopefully,thanks to them the political system of this country will change.
Pedro Balaña