Happy new year!!! Is 2011 going to be a better year? We don't know, but smokers seem to be unhappy with the beginning of the year. In Spain they have prohibited smoking in indoors or terraces with awnings (covered).
The nonsmokers are happy with the law except the ones who own bars, hotels, clubs etc... This people are protesting against the government because thaey have lost loads of clients. If they allow smoking they can be fined up to ten thousand euros.
Do you think this law is fair for everyone?
Can we improve this law so that more people are happy with it?
Are we getting more civilized as a country?
In my opinion as a nonsmoker this law is allright. I remember sometimes when I entered certain bars my eyes started to mourn because of the such amount of smoke concentrated in there. It is disgusting and also harmful. I think it is perfect for all of us because it could even make smokers leave tobacco!
ReplyDeleteAs a non-smoker I have to say that this law has benefited me, from now on I can stay in a café without smelling the stink that tobacco releases. I think the rights of the non-smokers must be respected all over Spain.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think this law has harmed many businesses. This is due to the last smoking ban, the law said that the companies had the right to make a separated area where you could smoke. Therefore, many businesses asked for money to the banks and began the reforms. Four years later the same government forbids to smoke inside any company open to the public.
All these people that borrowed money to the banks, now they have to pay their debt and they cannot even use their new facilities.
I also believe that the law in general is to strict. It is understandable that a country in which tourism isn't one of its main economic activities (the UK, for instance) bans smoking everywhere. But Spain has another way of living, it has another culture. And this law doesn't go with it. Spain is a country in which tourism is very important. This tourism is specially focused on partying and on socializing with local people.
How do we know in what way will this law affects us? Besides, all this is happening in an economic crisis, when people are doing anything necessary to win money.
Instead, I would prefer a law that respects the non-smokers rights, but also the freedom of the business and companies. I think the government should focus on young people not starting smoking. If people stop smoking there will be no demand. If there is no demand, smoking will be seen as an old-fashioned habit, and then nobody will smoke anymore.
Juan Ventosa
i agree with juan about the fact that lots of bars will close due to this law which i consider so stupid because tobacco money helps governement.
ReplyDeletegovernments are taxing tobacco companies so much i order to genrate a profit if for example spain has the cigarrtes at four euros a pack four euros!!! that will make lots of smokers to start to consider the fact that the smoking will kill them and their economy hahahaha.
on the other hand i feel sorry for them because every time they to have a cigggar they need to smoke outside, if people start to not smoke in bars then it will smell funny as you cannot use the ciggarette smell to cover your own odour.
An example of this law has been forever in the U.S.A and whenever someone ones to smoke they just go outside and it doesnt disturb anybody.
in my opinion the law is correct but it has bad consequences it will make more people be unemployed.
Maxi pfeiffer
Well, first of all I have to say I do not smoke, and I absolutely LOVE IT when I get into a bar and there's not even a gram of CO2 in the air.
ReplyDeleteHowever, as Juan has intelligently pointed out, this law is crossing the line. Capitalism won, doesn't matter if we like it or not, when the USA began to be the 1st military/economic power in the world. This kind of "socialist-but-not-very-much" parties are a little bit mixed up. You cannot have a socialist party in the government of a European country who wants to be integrated in a right-winged EU (Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron are the ones who call the shots). I'm not saying I'm capitalist, as I detest neo-liberalism as much as communism. I'm just saying it is getting kind of incompatible, trying to help the poor people, keeping the rights of the proletariat, having a public education and all these things in a world in which multinational companies are more powerful than governments.
Well, back to the subject, apart from this little intervention about politics nowadays, I have to say that the ones who smoke are the problem, not private companies or left-winged parties. We know that tobacco is harmful for us, and we are still smoking. With these people, how can we claim that we're an intelligent animal? COME ON! Are you kidding? We're so stupid we're killing ourselves for no apparent reason. Instead of annoying so much, they should be trying to stop smoking. They say: "oh, this law is against capitalism and liberty" well, don't complain, throw your cigarettes to the bin and you'll have less problems!
To conclude I want to say that any law you apply will make people furious, and others will be fine with it. The only solution is keeping this law the way it is, and EDUCATING the children so that they don't smoke when they grow older. Yeeeeeeesss, I've said EDUCATING, something that no one does.
The human being is a plague.
I recommend you the film "Idiocracy". Click below if you are interested:
I agree both with Miguel and Juan. I am totally against this type of prohibitions because it is a deprivation of individual's liberty. Besides, I would change the law so that anyone who is fine with people smoking in his/her bar can and viceversa. If we have private property we should respect it and indeed,bars are private properties!
ReplyDeleteIf we have to keep the law into force then we should modify it so owners can decide whether allow smoking or not. On the contrary, we should leave the law as it was and or educate people as Miguel said or leave anyone to smoke wherever they want.
Regarding the economy, this law will have a significant negative effect as many people lived of the production of tobacco. This industry can have a drop in sales because of the ban of smoking in many public places. Not only for producing people but for the bars' owners! People may now (and do) consume less because they cannot smoke! So, they take a little snack and leave. Before smokers used to stay longer. (ie. they consumed more)
We are not going anywhere with this Government. Maybe others won't do perfectly but yes, better! It is not too hard to overcome the action of Zapatero...
I've also seen Idiocracy and I do not see us away from that situation...
Although i'm a month late, Happy new year bloggers! :)
ReplyDeleteThroughout our lives we have always been taught that health is a very important issue and that being healthy comes before anything because if one doesn't have a healthy body, then it will eventually lose everything. Therefore, i believe this law is completely fair for everyone as when people are in bars, they're together and if one individual is smoking, the unhealthy smoke released by his cigarette will affect both him and the people surrounding him. I don't think it's fair for non-smokers to have to breath in polluted air just because someone decided to start smoking next to them. Moreover, people can't avoid smokers when they're at a bar for which i think their situation is unfair and that smokers should be considerate with the other people and go smoke outside.
However, i have to say that i consider prohibiting smoking at terraces a bit exaggerated as terraces are an outside place for which the smoke disperses itself a lot quicker. I believe that in order to make people happier with the law and to reduce the impact that this law will have on bars, the government should continue prohibiting smoking inside bars but it should allow it on terraces.
Lastly, i don't think that the passing of this law shows that we are becoming more civilized but instead a little healthier.
It is, without any doubt, a progress for Spain.
ReplyDeleteEach of us can do what we want to, we choose if we want to smoke or if we don't want to. When someone smokes in a closed space or room, all the people inside that room/space (pub,disco,restaurant) inhale that smoke, therefore it's as if the people who are not smoking were smoking too and that's not fair.
With this new law non-smoking people will feel comfortable in all closed/indoor public places and I'm pretty sure tobacco consumption will decrease, in general which will lead to a decrease of lots of illnesses caused by tobacco.
Smoking dates way back in the fourteenth century when the Natives Americans used it for medical purposes. But over the years, early settlers form Europe adopted the drug and decided to advertise it. To this day, smoking has become a way of life for many individuals. Picture a tobacco free society where smoking is outlawed! What are the chances of that happening? Likely impossible but there has to be a small possibility of preventing people from smoking. It should all start with government authorities to try and persuade the public on the many negative effects of smoking. The main reasons those authorities do not try to stop people from smoking is the money. I have had many doubts about why the government cannot ban smoking. Some might argue that banning cigarettes will seem like the government is trying to regulate what one should with his or her own body. Some might also argue that the ban is unconstitutional, violating the first amendment, this guarantees the freedom of privacy. Economically, some might say the ban will show a decline in the country's economy. The main groups disagreeing with my opinion will be those “addicted” to cigarettes, those working in tobacco industry and government officials who are affiliated with tobacco industries. The groups that will consider my point of view or show interest will be those who have a witness a dramatic effect caused by tobacco. Smoking kills! That is a particular true statement proven by the many certified and trusted doctors in the world. Smoking is by far the leading cause of drug related diseases and death every year all over the world. It should not be disregarded despite of its slow effect to the human body because; the consequences might result to death later on in life.
ReplyDeleteIn conclusion, the people that wat to smoke should do it but far away from the people that doesn´t want. Then everybody will be glad.
Santi NG
I think that ban smoking is a progress for Spain, because smoking is very bad for the health of the people, and alot of people that are non-smokers were breathing in the smoke from the cigars.
ReplyDeleteI put myself as an example, because when I'm in a bar or a restaurant i don't want to breathe the smoke from other people.
With these new law all the non-somekers will fell comfortable in closed spaces such as disco's, restaurants, bars,etc. I'm sure that with this new law, the consumption of tobacco in Spain will decrease with no doubt.
But somethings about this new law of no smoking, I find them a bit exagerated, like for example you can't smoke in terraces. I think that in open spaces smoking should be aloud because the smoke from the cigar doesn't get concentrated, and it doesn't disturb.
Another problem of this new law is thatsome establshments will suffer economically because as smoking is not aluod some clients that were smokers, they won't go anymore to bars and restaurants.
In conclusion I have to say that law is correct but it will have some ecnomic consequences to bars and restaurants.
Didac Mullor
I've been able to skim read the above comments, I realise that the general thought is in favour of this new ban. I agree with my classmates too, i think this will make that our citizens' health and breathing problems have a positve sollution. In addition, as a non-smoker , I found it very disturbing when someone blew right to your face all their tabaco. This should've been done tests ago, we have been te last country in the Europian Union to aprove this legislation.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I find it very uncomfortable when yogur partner at a bar, leaves you several times to go take a cigar. An other disadvantage will be the costa the bars will have to assume because of less consumers.
Anyways I still agree with this new change and I think this will benefit the society having less smokers amongst us.
Elena Vall
What's the problem with someone smoking? who are the government or people on this very blog to decide wether someone should smoke or not?
ReplyDeletewhere do these controlling people draw the line because last I heard alcohol and caffeine are also bad for you and nobody is trying to stop people from onsuming them.
To start off with I want to state that I am in favour of some sort of control on smoking in enclosed spaces as I believe in peoples right to smoke but as long as it doesn't harm someone else. So what I would propose would be designated zones for smokers and non-smokers and if not giving bars the choice to position themselves for or against smoking, depending on what will be more profitable for them as a business. ie a family bar would be against it and that would get them more business as it would be smoke-free, whereas a bar frequented by smokers could chose to allow smokers indoors which would affect them positively in the financial sense. this system allows people the option to choose and it also allows people the freedom to live their own life and make their own decisions.
I, personally, have no problem with people smoking and therefore I would choose to go into a smokers bar but the key to this is that there is a choice not an idea that is imposed on the people who disagree with it. Moreover, I don't think the government have any right to impose themselves on the population in this manner and the rights of smokers should be respected.
So to answer the questions posed by the blog entry I don't believe it is a fair rule as it doesn't respect peoples rights and it harms businesses who are only trying to make a living but are being harmed by the governments stance saying that it should be completely banned. This law can be improved if it allows bars the option to choose wether to allow it or not and to create an ambience which is representative of it's clientele.
The last question posed by the article is very interesting as it raises some important issues. Such as wether deciding on things for the greater good of society is representative of a civilised society. Personally, I believe respecting everyones opinion and right to act freely is a greater sign of freedom as everybody leads the life they choose (within reason) and the ability to create a society where different points of view are respected is the sign of a society being very civilised. Also, as a final note I would like to ask everyone who is against the prohibition of smoking inside what there stance is on alcohol consumption and wether that should be banned as it is detrimental to society in many ways. And it also affects other people as it leads to anti-social behaviour. Moreover, alcohol also kills people so applying Miguel's logic anyone who drinks is as stupid as anyone who smokes and alcohol hasn't been prohibited yet. So where do you draw the line on individuals freedom to do as they please? If we follow this path of prohibition and control you may even reach the extremes of novels such as "1984" and "Brave New World"
Jack Roberts
Me too, like Juan, am a non-smoker, and this law benefits me.
ReplyDeleteI think it has been a really good improvement to social health in general and, although many people might find it unfair, this law benefits each and everyone of us.
The fact that it is no longer permitted to smoke in bars forces smokers to make some kind of 'effort' to continue with their vice. It looks too simple, but people will quit smoking just because of the effort they must do to go to the streets to smoke.
However, as you said, this doesn't benefit bar owners as much as citizens' health.
I suppose you all have been to the Mero, (or at least heard about it), haven't you?
Well, the thing is that, before this 2011 started, when you entered this bar, like many others, there was this stinky smoky fog which made you cough. And you got out of there smelling as if you had been smoked yourself. However, last thursday I went there during my brake, and it seemed a completely different Café. Not only because of the lack of smoke, but also because it was totally EMPTY.
The other inconvenient this law has on, this time, clubs and disco is that, now it doesn't smell tobacco, it smells like sweaty armpits! And I'm not sure I prefer this new smell...
Carlota Guilera
As a non-smoker, I am enormoursly grateful for the implantation of this law. It's incredible how you can go for a cup of coffee or to a disco and get back home wearing free-smoke smelling clothes! It used to bother me very much to be in a bar or in a restaurant eating or having a drink and suddenly having a stinky trickle of smoke reaching your nostrils from the smoker's cigarette on the table beside.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I am partly against it because it has harmed the bars and restaurants, losing many clients. Furthermore, not so long ago there was the law of dividing the bar into a smoker zone and a non-smoker zone, in which the bars had to pay for reforms: demolish walls, put up new structures, paint...and all that had a high cost, which they hoped to compensate having MORE clients than before (those who didn't go to the bar because there was too much smoke in it) but which they haven't compensated; instead, they have had even more losses, losing clients with the new law.
There are many pros and cons in this debate, but personally I am more in favour than against the new law. I think this increases Spain's status in a positive way; the USA have had this law for ages: there, smoking is seen as a sign of debility, and it is no longer socially acceptable.
As many of the earlier posters, I'm a non smoker too; therefore I'm extremely pleased with this new law. However, being a social animal, humans do not live alone, so I cannot judge a new law only because it favors me.
ReplyDeleteIt must be said that many other civilized countries already have these kinds of prohibiting laws, and some of them are even stricter. For example, smoking is totally forbidden in the Emirate's Stadium (Arsenal).If smoking was prohibited in one of our football stadiums, Camp Nou for example; it is likely that there would be more than words. But, isn't really annoying to breathe the smoke from other supporters, and not being able to enjoy the event. This is only an example, as it can apply to any other situation.
Many business owners are complaining that this restriction will make them partially lose their clientage or their smoking regulars. This could have a point if this law wasn't applied to all restaurants or hotels, as the clients would be able to choose the restaurants where they CAN smoke. Still, this is applied to everyone, so smokers will have to resign and smoke outside.
I feel positive about this new law as it is beneficial to non-smoker's health. Isn’t it unfair to have your health damaged because of a drug-addict. And this is what people do not want to see, or do not understand. Smoking, and tobacco, IS a drug. A legal drug, but a drug. And I, and surely no one, wants to be drugged unwittingly.
Well it is indeed a very nasty subject to debate as everyone has their own, different opinion. However, I am with Jack. The law claerly benefits non-smokers, but the fact is that there are so many smokers in Spain that a lot of bars and restaurants will have to end up closing and therefore, that will also harm non-smokers, who enjoy going to certain bars. We are all free to do what we like, so in my opinion anyone is free to smoke if they like to, and seeing it from a non-smoker view I can understand that non-smokers don't really want to inhale smoke from those who smoke. So, if smokers want to smoke and non-smokers don't want to inhale smoke I think that the law was alright before they changed it: bars and restaurants should have two areas for people to choose whether they want to smoke or not, that's freedom; being able to choose if you want to do something, in this case smoke.
ReplyDeleteAs to answering the questions, I think I have made clear that in my opinion this law is not fair to everybody. It is true that the atmosphere in bars and restaurants will be cleaner and healthier, but I really think people should be able to choose what they want to do. The law is only fair to non-smokers because they don't want to smoke, but for smokers it's totally injust and against their freedom.
As I said before, everyone could be happy if they were able to choose between smoke or not, so making areas where the smoke is separated.
Lastly, I have to say that if by saying civilized it means healthier, well, yes, Spain is being more civilized. However, civilized not only means being healthy, but also other things like being fair and responsible, so in my opinion, Spain has to do many other things before changing the law about smokers in order to become more civilized.