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You can now post comments easily and 'sign them' by selecting 'Comment as Name/URL'. Use your first name and initial if you want me to give you credit for taking part. Thanks.
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You can now post comments easily and 'sign them' by selecting 'Comment as Name/URL'. Use your first name and initial if you want me to give you credit for taking part. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGreat Website! You were always one step ahead in teaching english haha
I miss your english accent and your classes, teaching in a slow pace and really "taking it slow"...I did never find out if I passed the FCE!
Dani - I've just seen your comment! Hi there! It's great to hear from you! What are you up to? (PS. Slow for you, maybe!)
ReplyDeleteYou can now post comments easily and 'sign them' by selecting 'Comment as Name/URL'. Use your first name and initial if you want me to give you credit for taking part. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteDani - I've just seen your comment! Hi there! It's great to hear from you! What are you up to? (PS. Slow for you, maybe!)
ReplyDeleteGreat Website! You were always one step ahead in teaching english haha