Or do you prefer an explanation of attraction as cold chemsitry?
As the hormones take hold, are you 'swept off your feet'?
Or do you keep your feet, and your feelings, firmly rooted to the floor?
We all have our own beliefs and experience of love and attraction. But do you know the science behind both?
Here are two articles which deal with the topic. Read them and reflect.
- National Geographic: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2006/02/true-love/slater-text.html
- The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/sep/28/sex-women-relationships-tanya-gold
For homework, write a literary critique (ie. a 'review') of the two texts for Monday 9 May, comparing and evaluating:
- the ideas they contain
- the selection and organisation of facts and examples
- the style they are written in and the language that is used
- the intentions of their authors and the reaction of any reader to them
- how 'good' or 'successful' each text is